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时间:2021-09-28 20:04来源:毕业论文



The influence of agricultural structure adjustment on agricultural economic growth in Yancheng City

Abstract: The speed and trend of change of agricultural industrial structure from 2009 to 2015 in Yancheng City was elaborated through quantitative analysis in this paper。 The influence of the development of agricultural industry in Yancheng City province was analyzed through the gray correlation analysis in this paper。 The internal correlation analysis, obtained after 2012 within the industry and agriculture related agricultural GDP degree from large to small order of services for agriculture, farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery。 This paper also uses multi sectoral economic model to calculate the contribution of agricultural structure change to agricultural economic growth and the explanatory degree of agricultural economic growth in Yancheng City。 Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions for the development of agricultural industry in Yancheng City。

Key words: Agricultural Industry; Structural Adjustment; Agricultural Economic Growth

目  录

摘要 1

关键词 1

Abstract。 1

Key words 1

引言 1

一、研究背景与意义 2

二、相关文献综述 2

(一) 国外研究概况 2

(二) 国内研究现状 2

1。农业产业调整对农民收入的影响 2

2。农业产业调整对农业经济增长影响研究现状 3

(三) 文献述评 3

三、研究方法与技术路线 4

(一) 研究方法 4

1。文献收集法 4

2。定量分析法 4

3。灰色关联度分析法 4

4。多部门经济模型法 4

(二) 技术路线图 4

四、盐城市农业产业结构定量分析 5

五、农业经济增长因素分析 6

(一) 构建分析数列 6

(二) 数列无量纲化处理 6

(三) 计算绝对差值 6

(四) 计算关联系数 7

(五) 计算关联度 盐城市农业产业结构调整对农业经济增长影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_82395.html
