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时间:2019-08-17 22:03来源:毕业论文
对中国手机游戏产业的发展现状进行宏观分析,然后将主要通过研究腾讯手机游戏和网易手机游戏两家较为成功的游戏厂商的产品,分析总结出中国手机游戏产品的成功经验 。同时对

本文首先将对中国手机游戏产业的发展现状进行宏观分析,然后将主要通过研究腾讯手机游戏和网易手机游戏两家较为成功的游戏厂商的产品,分析总结出中国手机游戏产品的成功经验    。同时对较为失败的手机游戏产品进行相应的分析,并总结失败案例教训。最后结合自己所学知识并从一个手游产业关心者的角度出发对中国的手机游戏产业的发展提出相关建议,以此希望中国的手机游戏产业的发展能够实现良性发展。
China mobile game industry present situation and the development analysis
Abstract: with the development of smart phones and 4 g mobile network and the popularization, the mobile phone games gradually became the important new entertainment projects of the younger generation. With the expansion of mobile phone game audience, mobile game industry in China is also an important development period for its own. Transformation respectively in every big game companies to launch their own mobile phone games product line, a mobile phone games, or on the firm's investment in human, material and financial resources situation, the mobile gaming industry presented the explosive savage growth development. Appeared under the current situation of the development of such a large number of excellent works of mobile phone games, the whole mobile game industry presents the flowers boom, but with such prosperity at the same time, also appeared a variety of mobile game industry development in our country, many game companies using simple copying of development mode, and to pursue taste as a selling point, game in the production of many shoddy work, tour industry development to provide a lot of negative energy. Under such circumstances, China's mobile game industry in urgent need of the development of scientific theory to guide. Need for a successful game company and products to conduct a comprehensive and systematic analysis, at the same time for the game company products manufactured in a necessary reflection, the purpose of this writing aims to summarize the successful experience of the development of Chinese mobile game industry in recent years and the lessons of failure case, for the future development of China's mobile game industry to provide scientific theoretical guidance.
Keyword China mobile game industry, mobile game industry status quo, mobile phone games industry development
目       录
  (二)研究的目的与意义.7 中国手机游戏产业现状与发展研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_37658.html