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时间:2019-06-27 12:42来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着中国加入世界贸易组织,我国进出口企业迅速参与到激烈的世界市场竞争中,为了扩大市场份额,纷纷以优惠的付款方式变相地给买方融资,由此增加了出口收汇风险,导致部分企业收汇困难、资金流动缓慢和企业运作效率低下。而国际贸易结算风险问题日渐显著,其风险防范已成为国际经济与贸易研究的重要课题。本文简单的介绍了国际贸易结算风险的概念和常见的国际贸易结算方式特点,重点分析了国际贸易实务中进出口商选择三种结算方式时面临的风险问题,最后针对结算风险提出相应的防范措施。36659
  Study on the international trade settlement risk
Abstract : With the Chinese accession to the world trade organization, quickly involved in the fierce competition in the world market in china's import and export enterprises, in order to expand the market share, have a preferential payment disguised to buyer financing, thereby increasing the risk of export proceeds in foreign exchange, resulting in some difficult, slow flow of funds and the low efficiency of business operation.international trade settlement risk problem has become increasingly prominent, and the risk prevention has become an important topic in today's international economic and trade. This paper introduces the concept of international trade settlement risk and the characteristics of common international trade settlement in a nutshell, mainly analyzes the risk problems of three kinds of accounting methods of import and export business in the choice of international trade practice, finally put forward the corresponding settlement risk prevention measures aiming at the settlement risk.
    Key Words: International trade; Settlement risk; Prevention
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、国际贸易结算风险和方式    2
(一)国际贸易结算风险的涵义    2
(二)常见的国际结算方式及特点    3
二、国际贸易结算方式风险分析    4
(一)汇付结算方式风险分析    4
(二)托收结算方式风险分析    5
(三)信用证结算方式风险分析    7
三、国际贸易结算方式风险防范    9
(一)汇付结算方式风险防范    9
(二)托收结算方式风险防范    10
(三)信用证结算方式风险防范    11
参考文献    13
致谢    14
表1 三种结算方式汇总表
    电汇    托收    信用证
付款人    进口商    进口商    开证行
使用条件    进口商信用    进口商信用    信用证条款 国际贸易结算风险研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_35217.html