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时间:2019-05-26 12:21来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:民营企业    融资困境    融资对策
Analysis of private enterprises financing difficulties and Countermeasures
Abstract: After the reform and opening up, the state of the market economy gradually deepened, more attention to the development of private enterprises. Private economy is the main power of China's non-state economy, but its financing environment is not commensurate with the economic status at present stage, the financing problem has become a stumbling block for the development of enterprise Fundamentally speaking, the problem of the financing of private enterprises is mainly from the internal control of the enterprise and the supply and demand of the external market financing system This problem also seriously affected the development of private economy and market economy, and hindered the vigorous development of the whole financial industry At present, we should try to solve the financing difficulties of private enterprises in our country, so we should try our best to get the funds under the existing financing way, financing policy, and make the enterprise more competitive
This paper to collect large amounts of data, the data on the basis of system analysis and comparative analysis, introduces the current situation of financing of private enterprises in our country are facing, angle of study on financing of private enterprises the main internal and external financing problems of enterprises access to capital, and to the private enterprise financing decision makers to explore can promote the financing capacity of the enterprises, solve the problem of financing methods and approaches.
Keywords:  Private enterprises    Financing difficulties   Financing Countermeasures
目 录
 一、    引言.    . .1
二、中国民营企业融资现状分析.  . .     . . 1
(一)民营企业的地位和作用. . . . .     2
(二)民营企业融资难的表现. .  . . . . .  2
 (三)民营企业融资难的原因. . .   .  . . 3
三、民营企业传统融资方式分析  .     .6
(一)内源性融资.  .  . . 7
(二)银行融资.  .  .    8
(三)股权融资.  .  .   .9
  (四)债券融资.  .  .   .10
四、新形势下我国民营企业的融资困境对策分析.  . .  . . .10
(一)加强政府支持.  .  . . 10
(二)完善金融服务体系.  .  . .  .  .10
(三)发展新型融资方式.  .  . .    . 12
(四)自身建设.  .  . . . . . .14
参考文献 . . .  . . .1
改革开放至今,我国经济不断发展,综合实力发生了质的飞跃,民营企业无疑是整个市场最具有生命力的部分,也是推动我国经济转型、保证经济增长的动力源泉。但是,民营企业在发展过程中一直披荆斩棘,遇到了很多棘手的问题,最显著的问题就是难以及时方便的获取经营所需资金。虽然政府乃至整个社会都在重视这个问题,也在极力解决这个问题,但只是缓解了部分企业的困境,还没有找到根本解决办法。这个问题如果不能及时有效的解决,将一直限制着民营企业的发展,影响整个金融市场的稳定性。 民营企业融资困境及其对策分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_33828.html