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时间:2018-08-19 16:48来源:毕业论文
“科技兴贸”的战略是在1999年初于全国外经贸工作会议中提出的,并经中央批准实施。实施此战略16年以来, 在推动我国高新技术产品对外出口、提升国家对外出口竞争力、以及促进产

摘要“科技兴贸”的战略是在1999年初于全国外经贸工作会议中提出的,并经中央批准实施。实施此战略16年以来, 在推动我国高新技术产品对外出口、提升国家对外出口竞争力、以及促进产业结构升级等方面取得了良好的成绩。论文以目前我国“科技兴贸”战略的回顾与现状,分析其存在的问题,找出解决对策。本文的工作主要有以下几点:首先,我国的“科技兴贸”战略回顾,了解“科技兴贸”战略的背景与历史;接着,通过“科技兴贸”战略实施之后,分析其实施后国家经济发展的特点,发展变化规律,并了解未来发展的大致方向;最后,分析当前我国的“科技兴贸”战略,分析其存在的问题和将面临什么样的问题,并制定相应的对策。27215
关键词  科技兴贸,高新技术产品,出口,深化
Title    China's “science and technology trade” strategy:   Review, Problems and Countermeasures for deepening                    
The strategy of "rejuvenating trade through science and technology" is put forward by the national foreign trade and economic cooperation in meetings in early 1999, and approved by the central implementation. Implementing the strategy for 16 years, in promoting China's high-tech products exports, countries export competitiveness, and promote the upgrading of industrial structure has achieved good results. Papers to present China's strategy of "rejuvenating trade through science and technology" review and the status quo, analyzes its existing problems, and find out the solution. The work of this paper mainly include the following: first, China's strategy of "rejuvenating trade through science and technology", to understand the background and history of the strategy of "rejuvenating trade through science and technology". Then, through the strategy of "rejuvenating trade through science and technology", after analyzing the characteristics of the national economic development after its implementation, the development change rule, and know the general direction of the future; Finally, the analysis current our country's strategy of "rejuvenating trade through science and technology", analyzes its existing problems and will face what kind of problem, and formulate the corresponding countermeasures.
Keywords  export of technology  high-tech product  export  deepen
目   次
1 绪论    1
2 “科技兴贸”战略的回顾与成效    2
2.1 “科技兴贸”战略出台的时代背景    2
2.2 “科技兴贸”战略的演变过程    3
2.3 “科技兴贸”战略的实施成效    4
3 “科技兴贸”战略实施中的问题及其成因    7
3.1 我国“科技兴贸”战略实施过程中的主要问题    7
3.2 科技兴贸战略中问题的原因分析    8
4 深化”科技兴贸“战略的对策措施    9
4.1 政府层面的对策建议    9
4.2 企业层面的对策建议    10
结论    12
致谢    13
参考文献    141绪论
    加大力度培育和推广企业的产品对外出口及培育高新技术产业,是科技兴贸战略的核心,推进高新技术对传统产业的改造计划,并且根据这个来对出口商品结构进行优化,提升其附加值和质量,并使国际竞争力得到提高。 我国“科技兴贸”战略回顾问题及深化对策:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_21645.html