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时间:2018-07-23 20:22来源:毕业论文

摘要常州正处于城镇化高速发展阶段,供需状况均处于相对旺盛阶段,作为三线城市,常州房地产市场的正式启动是相对较晚的。不同于一线城市的上海,90年代末房地产市场就启动了,南京、杭州、苏州等二线城市的房地产市场在2002年就开始启动,而常州的房地产市场约是是2009年才开始启动的,才开始迅速发展,而各大品牌企业也是集中在2009年、2010年才开始陆续进驻常州市场。  常州的需求属性相对其他城市很健康,根据相关部门统计:每年常州都有约600万平米左右的商品住宅的成交量。而且常州市场刚性需群体庞大,不论是外来人口还是本地人口。自2013年,非常州本地购房者在常州房地产市场的购买房产意愿不断增强,对比常州市房地产市场各个月的运营状况,房地产价格走势相对平稳,波动幅度较小,总体呈现平稳态势,因此常州商品房市场对外来人口仍然表现出较大的吸引力。本文正是基于上述情况对常州市房地产市场的供给与需求进行分析,并依据个人观点指出其所存在的问题,并罗列了一些对策。并对其未来的发展趋势进行了合理预测。26112
Changzhou is in rapid development stage of urbanization, the supply and demand are in a relatively strong phase, as a third-tier city, Changzhou and initiated the real estate market is relatively late. Different from first-tier cities of Shanghai, the real estate market starts at the end of the 90 s, the second-tier cities such as Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou real estate market began in 2002, Changzhou is about the real estate market is to start in 2009, began to develop rapidly, and each big brand enterprise is also concentrated in 2009, started soon Changzhou market in 2010.Changzhou demand attributes relative to other cities in good health, according to the relevant departments to statistics: Changzhou every year about 600 square meters of the volume of commodity residential house. And Changzhou market need to group large rigidity, whether floating population or the local population. Since 2013, foreign buyers in Changzhou clinch a deal in the housing market will continue to strengthen, in view of the operating condition of the real estate market of Changzhou, prices relatively stable, the fluctuation amplitude is small, stable general situation, therefore Changzhou commercial housing market still showed a large attraction for the migrant population. This article was based on the above situation of Changzhou city real estate market supply and demand is analyzed, and based on personal view points out its existing problems, and lists some countermeasures. And the future trend of the development of the reasonable forecast.
Key words: Changzhou, the real estate market supply and demand, countermeasure and trend
1  房地产市场概述 1
1.1  房地产市场的定义和分类1
1.2  我国的房地产市场政策3
1.3  我国房地产市场发展的历程4
2  常州市房地产市场现状5
2.1  常州市2012年房地产市场交易情况6
2.2  常州市2013年房地产市场交易情况7
2.3  常州市2014年房地产市场交易情况9
2.4  关于常州市房地产市场现行政策10
3  常州市房地产市场分析10
3.1  常州市房地产市场存在的问题及原因11
3.2  常州市房地产市场存在问题的对策13
4  常州市房地产发展趋势分析14
1  房地产市场概述
1.1  房地产市场的定义和分类
1.1.1  房地产市场定义
房地产市场是指土地所有者与土地使用者之间、土地使用者与房地产经营者之间、房地产经营者与消费者之间、消费者与消费者之间进行的从房产、地产的交换、租赁、买卖等经济活动的场所和所发生的经济行为的总和。在其所处的流通市场中,其交易对象为房产建筑或房屋或者是地产。 常州市房地产住宅市场供求分析与对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_20177.html