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时间:2018-06-28 09:49来源:毕业论文

摘 要:近年来,各个国家、地区性的节事活动有如雨后春笋般发芽,但大多的节事活动举办形式大多雷同。举办一个成功的节事活动离不开充满创意的策划与组织。因此我们现在重点关注的就是如何成功举办一个具有创意的节事活动。24766
毕业论文关键字: 节事活动;创意;创新
Creative and innovative thinking of events
Abstract:  In recent years, various national, regional events are sprouting like mushrooms , but most of the events organized in the form of mostly the same. Held a successful events inseparable creative planning and organization. Therefore,we now focus on is how to successfully organize a festival of creative event.
The article firstly carried out an overview of the purpose and meaning of the events innovation research.There is not enough innovation and creativity, which has become an important obstacle in developing events.Secondly, this article analyzed the research and development status of events . Now domestic research on events started late ,but foreign studies are more systematic and profound .This article is based on the results of existing research scholars, it carried out an overview of the comprehensive and systematic study of the development of events innovation . This article’s innovation lies on the basis of previous studies,tentative during the creative and innovative thinking of events to make a series of research and analysis.
Keywords: Events ; creative; innovation
一、引言    1
(一)节事活动的概念与分类    1
         1、国内对于节事活动的定义    1
         2、国外对于节事活动的定义    1
         3、节事活动的分类    2
(二)国内外研究现状    2
         1、国内研究现状    2
         2、国外研究现状    4
(三)节事活动创新研究的目的与意义    4
二、 国内外节事活动创新发展现状分析    6
(一)国内节事活动创新发展现状    6
(二)国外节事活动创新发展现状    7
(三)节事活动创新存在的问题    8
         1、自主原创性缺乏    8
         2、政府干预过多    8
         3、举办形式不新颖    9
         4、管理不完善    9
三、典型案例分析----上海旅游节的创新发展    10
(一)传统项目的创新    10
(二)经典项目的创新    11
(三)合作方式的创新    12
四、节事活动创新的对策和建议    14
(一)主题内容创新    14
(二)运作模式创新    14
(三)改善活动举办地的管理    15 节事活动的创意与创新思考+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_18388.html