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时间:2018-05-02 11:48来源:毕业论文

转口贸易又称中转贸易(intermediary trade)或再输出贸易(Re-Export Trade),是指国际贸易中进出口货品的生意,不是在生产国与消费国之间直接进行,而是通过第三国易手进行的买卖。这种贸易对中转国来说即是转口贸易。贸易的货品能够由出口国运往第三国,在第三国不通过加工(转换包装、分类、选择、收拾等不作为加工论)再销往消费国;也能够不通过第三国而直接由生产国运往消费国,但生产国与消费国之间并不发生贸易联系,而是由中转国分别同生产国和消费国发生贸易。22088
Enlightenment of Hongkong entrepot trade on the Chinese economy
Abstract:The entrepot trade has a long history of Hong Kong, has long been a mainstay of the economy in Hong Kong. Research Hong Kong transit trade pattern and successful experience, for our country some provinces and cities with special opportunity, promote the entrepot trade and related industry development has practical significance. Can be seen from the successful experience of Hong Kong transit trade, entrepot trade advantages may be have a variety of conditions. Including the natural conditions, economic conditions, social conditions, etc. Active use of existing conditions and actively create new conditions, will be good for entrepot trade development.  
Entreport trade and transit trade (intermediary trade) or re export trade (Re-Export Trade), refers to the import and export of goods in international trade business, not between producer and consumer countries directly, but through a three shift business. This trade is entreport trade, transit country for. Trade of goods by the exporting country to a third, in third not through processing (packaging, classification, selection, transformation pack, not as a processing theory) and then sold to the consumer; also can’t through a third country directly from production to consumption in the country, but the production between country and country of consumption does not have trade relations, but by the transit country respectively with production and consumption country in trade.
Keywords: Entrepot trade;transit trade;the development of Hong Kong are faced with the problem

二、    香港转口贸易的成功经验••8
三、    香港转口贸易面临的主要问题•9
转口贸易是国际贸易的一种形式。无论是早期的欧洲威尼斯还是今天的香港、新加坡等地,可以确切地说,转口贸易是当地经济和社会活动的支柱,不仅带动了国际贸易的迅速发展,而且,带动了当地以及周边地区,金融、保险、物流、通讯等其他行业的发展,更带来了城市变迁和文化进步。中国大陆一些省市在国际贸易中,实际上也在发挥“转口贸易”的作用,甚至转口贸易占当地贸易比重越来越高。对于我国一些省市利用特殊贸易机会,可以达到促进相关产业同时发展的目标。 香港转口贸易对大陆经济的启示:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_14566.html