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时间:2022-08-22 23:20来源:毕业论文



Phonogram teaching methods research in primary school

Abstract: Literacy teaching is the basis of primary school language teaching, which is directly related to the students' reading ability and writing ability。 Phonogram is a combination of harmony and pictogram symbols constitute a new word to word-formation methods, consists of two parts: phonetic and graphic elements, Phonetic elements representation sound, graphic elements representation Significance ,together constitute Phonogram 。Phonogram in the dominant part of Chinese characters, and Phonogram teaching quality directly affects the effectiveness of teaching literacy。 By elementary school classroom observations, Primary school teachers in the classroom teaching of Phonogram teaching exist such as "beside the heavy graphic elements, light phonetic elements", "read word read half", "popular literary Jiezi " and other teaching content mishandled problem, because the teachers of the old view, the lack of knowledge of Chinese characters and other reasons。 To solve these problems, we need a Phonogram basic structure and features, combined with the new concept of curriculum and student learning characteristics Phonogram use of appropriate teaching methods。

Keywords: Students; Phonogram teaching; Word processing knowledge; Teaching methods

目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、形声字及其结构 2

(一)形声字的概念 2

(二)形声字的结构 2

二、忽视字理知识造成小学教师教学内容处理不当 4

(一)“重形旁、轻声旁” 4

(二)“读字读半边” 5

(三)“俗文解字” 5

三、小学形声字的教学方式 5

(一)利用字带字归类法,让学生在儿歌中喜欢形声字 6

(二)通过读词语分类认识形声字 6

(三)归纳声旁和形旁的偏旁,在理解中熟记形声字 7

(四)运用字理知识学习形声字 7

(五)运用对比法识记、辨别形声字 8

四、结语 9

参考文献 9

致谢 10


识字教学是小学语文教学的基础,尤其是阅读和作文的基础,它直接关系着学生的阅读能力和作文能力的培养。识字教学的质量不仅关系到语文教学的质量在一定程度上,也关系到其他各门学科教学的质量。因此识字教学是小学阶段语文教学的重要组成部分,而汉字中形声字占主体部分,所以形声字教学是小学阶段汉字教学的重中之重。了解形声字的构字规律和特点,是形声字教学的前提,它可以帮助我们辨认汉字的形、音、义,防止写错别字;同时也使学生在记忆形声字时达到事半功倍的效果。论文网 小学形声字教学方式研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_98345.html
