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时间:2021-12-11 20:47来源:毕业论文



Abstract:The teaching practice shows, situational teaching method is one of the effective teaching methods, not only promoted between teachers, active interaction between life and life, active language classroom teaching atmosphere, can also help students deepen their classroom knowledge, so as to continuously improve their language classroom teaching efficiency。 Total paper is pided into four parts。 The first part describes the issues raised background and significance, outlining the theoretical basis for the formation of situational teaching method and current research。 Utilize the second part of the survey Primary Chinese Situational Approach and analyze their causes。 The third part of the actual combination of teaching, discusses the application of the principles of primary language teaching pedagogy and situational improvement strategies。 The fourth conclusion, this paper analyzes the shortcomings of the proposed future research。

Keywords:situational teaching method, Chinese in primary school, improvement strategies


目  录

1  前言 6

1。1  问题提出的背景及其研究意义 6

1。1。1  情境教学法是新课程改革的需要 6

1。1。2  情境教学法是语文学习的需要 7

1。1。3  情境教学法是师生教学交往的需要 7

2  相关概念的界定 8

2。1  情境 8

2。2  情境教学 8

2。3  情境教学法的理论依据 8

2。3。1  行为zhuyi心理学 8

2。3。2  奥苏伯尔的“有意义接受学习”理论 9

2。3。3  建构zhuyi心理学 9

2。4  研究方法 9

2。4。1  文献研究法 9

2。4。2  问卷调查法 9

3  国内外研究现状 10

3。1  国内研究现状 10

3。2  国外研究现状 11

4  小学语文教学中的情境教学法的现状及其分析 11

4。1  问卷调查的现状 11

4。2  现状分析 12

4。2。1  运用情境教学法的意识不强 12

4。2。2  创设的情境偏离教学目的、教学重点 小学语文教学情境教学法的运用现状和改进策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_86269.html
