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时间:2021-11-24 20:57来源:毕业论文

摘   要:职业倦怠是一种最容易在助人行业中出现的情绪性耗竭的症状。对工作上长期的情绪及人际应激源做出反应而产生的心理综合症称为职业倦怠。一般认为, 职业倦怠是个体不能顺利应对工作压力时的一种极端反应,是个体伴随于长时期压力体验下而产生的情感、态度和行为的衰竭状态。教师行业在当今经济社会在一直处在矛盾的风头浪尖上,职业倦怠出现概率较大,教师职业倦怠是指教师不能顺利应对工作压力时情绪、认知、行为等方面表现出的衰竭状态,是一种非正常的行为和心理。教师的这种职业倦怠状态严重影响着教师的工作质量和教师个人的生活质量。在我国中等职业教育一直落后于其他国家,是个薄弱环节,致使中职教师的职业倦怠问题日益严重。所以研究中职教师职业倦怠的问题有着重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文对职业倦怠的概念进行了界定,运用数据调查,对南京市中等职业学校教师的职业倦怠现状进行调研,有针对性地提出了可行的对策建议。74805


Study on the causes and Countermeasures of teachers' occupational burnout in secondary vocational schools 

Abstract: job burnout is one of the most easy to help the industry in the emotional exhaustion of the symptoms。 Psychological syndrome, which is produced by the reaction of long-term emotional and interpersonal stressor, is called job burnout。 It is generally believed that job burnout is an extreme reaction of inpiduals who can't cope with the job stress, and it is the failure state of emotion, attitude and behavior which are accompanied by the pressure experience in the long period of time。 The teaching profession in today's economy and society has been in the contradiction of the limelight, job burnout appears the probability is big, teacher burnout is 

refers to the teachers can not successfully deal with the pressure of work emotion, cognition and behavior performance failure state, is a non normal behavior and psychology。 This kind of job burnout of teachers has a serious impact on the quality of teachers' work and the quality of life of teachers。 Secondary vocational education in our country has been lagging behind other countries, is a weak link, resulting in secondary vocational school teachers' job burnout problem is increasingly serious。 Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the occupational burnout of secondary vocational school teachers。 In this paper, the concept of burnout is defined, reference to domestic and foreign literature studies and the use of survey data, to Nanjing, secondary vocational school teachers job burnout research, put forward feasible countermeasures and suggestions for。

Key words: secondary vocational education teachers; job burnout; causes; Countermeasures

目  录

一、引论 1

二、职业倦怠的概述 1

三、中职教师职业倦怠成因分析 2

(一)中职教师职业倦怠成因现状 2

(二)影响中职教师职业倦怠因素分析 3

四、中等职业教师职业倦怠对策分析 4

(一)对自己有正确认识,认同教师职业 6

(二)要增强教师的适应能力 6

(三)逐步提高教师的社会地位,为教师创造良好的工作条件 7

结语 中等职业学校教师职业倦怠的成因及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_85499.html
