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时间:2020-01-16 19:24来源:毕业论文


With the propulsion of quality education and the deepening of new curriculum reform, the significance about emotional teaching between teachers and students to promote stuends’ comprehensive development and curriculum teaching has been paid too much attention. Therefore, this topic mainly focuses on the "emotional teaching", probes the relations between emotional teaching and the effect of curriculum teaching. First three chapters mainly disserts about emotional teaching theory, as well as analysis situation and development trend in the domestic and foreign, and found the present research have many defects. The emotional teaching research is not comprehensive in a particular field of subject, especially the research of emotional teaching about science subject in elementary school. Therefore, the main contents in the last two chapters using the science of primary school as subject background, mainly probes how the emotional teaching influence the curriculum teaching in the science lesson of primary school, and puts forward the related strategy of emotional teaching.

毕业论文关键词: 情感教育;情感教学; 以情优教;小学科学

Keywords: emotional education; emotional teaching;optimize teaching through emotion;the science of primary school

目    录

第一章  绪论 4

第一节  选题的背景 4

第二节  文献综述 4

一、我国对情感教育的研究现状 5

二、国外对情感教育的研究现状 5

第三节  研究的意义 6

第二章  相关教育心理学理论 7

第一节  人本主义教育理论 7

第二节  建构主义教育理论 7

第三节  主导——主体的教学结构 8

第三章  情感教学理论及其发展 9

第一节  情感教学理论 9

一、情感教学理论的概念 9

二、情感教学的原则 9

三、情感教学的模式 10

第二节  非智力因素与情感教学 10

第三节  “以情优教”的教学理论 11

第四章  小学科学情感教学的实例分析 12

第一节  课堂教学案例——《给冷水加入》 12

第二节  案例分析 15

第五章  培养师生良好教学情感的策略 构建师生良好教学情感促进课程教学的研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_45261.html
