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时间:2019-05-13 13:06来源:毕业论文

The Necessity and Possibility of the Implementation of Small Class Teaching in underdeveloped City 1 - 3 Grade
--  Xinmin primary school of City
Abstract:The incredible achievement of education career has developed with great rise of our economy,in order to realize updating construction of education career,our country is working on reform of education system.According to this kind of background,CSR(Class Size Reduction)project appeared in ourhorizon as a top hit.This article try to describe and discuss about the necessity of CSR spreading in primary class of developing areas and try to discover the advantages of CSR spreading so that to develop our education career and approach a higher level of reform of our education system.
This article is composed by the methods of article research,observation and folks interview,to get the result of research and investigation for those schools which have advantages of CSR system.Xinming primary school is the first school which has advantages of using CSR system in city.   
Keywords:Developing areas;Primary grades;CSR(Class Seize Reduction);Possibility;Necessity.
摘要    1
Abstract    2
    一、传统大班教学存在的问题    3
•    (一)班级人数过多,课堂活动难以实施    3
•    (二)学生之间基础参差不齐,学习成绩差异大    3
•    (三)课外辅导较为困难,非常不利于后进生提高    4
•    (四)容易消磨老师的信心,从而导致积极性下降    4
    二、实施小班化教学的好处    5
•    (一)调动师生积极性,提高教学质量    5
•    (二)培养学生学习兴趣,缩小学生之间成绩差异    5
•    (三)促使学生的个性化发展进一步提高    5
    三、欠发达地区有开展小班化教学的必要性    6
•    (一)深化教育改革的需要    6
•    (二)促进教育公平的要求    7
•    (三)推进素质教育进程的选择    7
•    (四)转变教育理念及教育思想    7
    四、欠发达地区有开展小班化教学的可能性    8
•    (一)计划生育政策以及其他因素致使适龄儿童数量减少    8
•    (二)多种因素致使生源外流    8
•    (三)我市高等教育的发展为小班制教学提供了师资来源    9
•    (四)经济实力的增强为小班化教学提供了经济基础    9 欠发达城市1—3年级实施小班化教学的必要性与可能性:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_33279.html