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时间:2019-01-19 16:23来源:毕业论文

The Research of Influence Factors of Accompanying Reading of the Northwest rural Areas Parents
Abstract: In recent years, parents pay more and more attention to the education of their children, therefore, coming of certain scale “Accompanying reading Village” and “Accompanying Studying Community”. In order to explore reasons of making them at all costs to leave their hometown and choose the accompanying reading. For example of Gan Su, as well as interview the samples of northwest of 20 parents, who haven accompanied experience or being accompanied. Results show that the influence factors of parents to accompany studying are three main types, including the traditional education thought, the desires to meet, making up their children, conformity, fear and so on of parents inpidual psychology, which accounted for the major influence is the desire and traditional education thought, Three aspects of traffic problems, educational resources, examination-oriented education system and other social factors and external supporting factors of economic support, emotional support, information support.
Keywords: Accompanied reading;Parents accompanying behavior; Influence factors
目  录
摘要    1
Abstract.    1
引言    1
1研究方法    3
1.1陪读人员的选择    3
1.2研究过程    3
1.3研究的伦理道德问题    4
2研究结果    4
2.1相关访谈资料的处理    4
2.2家长心理因素    5
2.3社会因素    7
2.4外部支持因素    8
3反思与建议    9
4结论    10
参考文献    11
附录Ⅰ    12
附录Ⅱ    13
致谢    14
引言随着近年来陪读热的高涨,迅速引起了社会各界的注意,陪读这种现象可以说是具有中国特色的,国外没有关于这方面的研究。在2012,中国社科院统计报告显示在中国家庭有36.8%的家庭有父母在陪读,再者关于陪读方面媒体报道的数见不鲜,如在2004年6月28日《新华网》一文中指出在湖北黄石二中附近租住着400多个陪读家庭,形成了颇有规模的“陪读村”当地的陪读家长相互攀比使陪读成为一种社会风气;还有家长为了让孩子考上重点大学,陪读年花近10万元[1] ;“中新网”在2007报道学校附近一房难求,指出在学校附近找房子的80%是学生家长;还有反应陪读家长共同心声人间悲喜剧《陪读》,其中家长为了孩子,不惜辞掉自己的工作,背井离乡,在学校里高价租房,更有父母双双陪读,真的是可怜天下陪读父母心。“陪读”已成为如今社会一道悲壮的风景线。
“陪读”这一词最早出现于上个世纪80年代末,但是截至目前,每位学者对“陪读”都有自己的定义和理解,王江首次将陪读进行了定义为从农村家庭迁移到城镇中,租房居住细心照顾孩子[2]。郑燕娜从陪读不同的形式上将陪读进行定义,第一是以父母利用双休日或平时休息的时间去陪孩子的学习的临陪;第二是孩子在初中高中等重要的升学阶段,父母短时间的抽出时间去帮助孩子学习的半陪;第三是父母监督一些自控力比较差的小学生的暗陪,第四是父母想尽办法将全部精力放在孩子陪读照顾孩子的全陪[3]。本文中农村“陪读”家长指农村家长为了照顾孩子学习生活选择离开家乡在孩子学习地租房居住安心照顾孩子的家长。 西北农村地区家长陪读现象影响因素的研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_29756.html