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时间:2018-05-24 20:28来源:毕业论文

Problems and Countermeasures of rural primary school English weariness
Abstract: Affected by many factors, rural primary schools in our country’s vast areas all have the problems that the school’s conditions are poor, teachers’ teams are instable , teachers’ teaching level is low and the educational resources are not sufficient, which have brought about a lot of difficulties for rural primary school English teaching. The lack of teaching resources and the low level of rural teachers cause a lot of trouble for students when they learn English. The author has an education internship experience in the eastern area in a rural primary school , then she conducted a questionnaire survey about the English learning situation of 33 pupils of the school,which is related to her internship experience. Result says that the rural pupils generally exist in English weariness phenomenon. After a profound analysis, the teacher teaching and the students learning aspect may result in it. In order to improve the rural primary school English learning situation, this paper proposes to establish a good relationship between teachers and students,to stimulate the pupils’ desire for learning English , eliminate their fear psychology for English learning and other related education strategies.
Keywords: Primary school students;  English weariness;  Problems;Countermeasures
目  录
摘要    ...1
Abstract    1
一、农村小学生英语厌学现状调查    2
 (一)调查时间    2
    (二)调查对象    2
    (三)问卷设计    2
 (四)结果分析    2
二、农村小学生英语厌学问题分析    3
(一)缺乏学习兴趣,上课开小差    3
(二)学习态度不端正,缺乏耐心    4
(三)缺少正确的学习方法,考试成绩差    4
三、农村小学生英语厌学的成因    4
(一)教师方面    4
 (二)学生自身方面    6
四、改善农村小学生英语厌学的对策    7
(一)教师改进教学方法    7
 (二)学校创设环境    8
 (三)学生明确目的    8
参考文献    9
附录I..    10
致谢    12
    自编农村小学生英语学习情况调查问卷表。问卷包括基本情况调查和选择题两部分。其中基本情况包括:性别、年龄、家庭结构、目前的监护人等;选择题主要考察影响农村小学生英语厌学的因素,包括学习兴趣、注意力、学习习惯、学习方法、学习态度、学习压力和作业完成情况等因素。为了消除学生的思想顾虑,整个问卷中隐去了“英语厌学”一词,以“不喜欢英语”代替“英语厌学”词语。(注:问卷调查表及统计结果列于附录。) 农村小学生英语厌学的问题及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_16293.html