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时间:2022-10-13 22:24来源:毕业论文



The Primary School Students' Writing Distortion Causes Analysis an-d Improvement Strategies

Abstract:"The new curriculum standard " pointed out: the use of language in writing and the important way of communication, is to know the world, know self, in the process of creative expression。 Writing is a complex process, there are many problems appeared during the creation, including writing distortion is the most outstanding, is also the most difficult to solve the problem。 In the process of talking with some teachers, they all said the phenomenon is widespread in the class。 Through and conversation between teachers and students, I found that between teachers and students all have the corresponding responsibility。 Teachers' teaching is the core of the writing distortion phenomenon appears。 The thesis evaluation approach is one of the factors。 The traditional cultural ideas have important influence on writing distortion。

Keywords: Primary school students; Writing distortion; teaching methods;writing habits


摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、失真与小学生写作失真 1

二、小学生作文失真的具体表现 2

(一)情感失真 2

(二)语言失真 2

(三)材料失真 3

三、小学生作文失真的原因分析 3

(一)教师的教学疏忽 3

(二)作文的评价方式 4

(三)传统文化观念的影响 4

四、小学生作文失真的改进策略 5

(一)改变教师教学的策略 5

(二)改变作文评价方式 7

(三)改变传统观念 7

参考文献 9

附录Ⅰ 10

附录Ⅱ 11

附录Ⅲ 12

附录Ⅳ 13

致谢 15


     对于尚处在孩童时代的小学生来说,他们对于事物的认知还停留在一种朦胧的阶段,而培养他们的写作能力,提高其写作水平,是促进小学生加快了解周遭事物,开发自身潜力的有效方法。但是现在小学生的写作却成为了一大难题,其中写作失真是最突出的问题。作文的失真不仅妨碍了学生写作水平的提高,降低了学生的写作兴趣,还破坏了学生的创造性的思维模式。当代作家孙犁曾说过:没有真实的激动了的感情,就写不成好文章。[1]一段没有情感的文章,只是机械化的讲述,体现不出文章的美。只有真实的事件,真实的情感,才能创造出最美的篇章。 小学生作文失真的原因及其改进策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_100288.html
