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时间:2021-08-19 19:33来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 聚醚砜;表面活性剂;分散;微粉化

Development of PES resin micronization technology-2

Abstract: PES which called polyethersulfone, is a transparent amber amorphous resin. In this paper, the PES resin micronization technology is researched. The PES was dissolved by using trichloromethane as the solvent, followed by the addition of DBS(Dodecyl benzene sulfonic acid sodium salt) and PVP(Polyvinyl pyrrolidone) surfactant and distilled water. After homogeneous mixing, the mixed solution was forcedly dispersed by mechanical stirring. The ethanol was poured into the dispersed solution and rapidly pumped, and the solvent was completely dried to obtain PES powder and dried. After the PES powder was dried, the samples were made with glass slides and the PES microparticles were observed by using a digital magnifying glass. In this experiment, different dispersion conditions were used to study the effect of dispersion time and dispersion temperature on the particle size of PES powder. As the domestic and foreign research on PES resin micronization process development is rare, so regardless of the success or failure and this research has the vital significance.

Keyword:  PES;surfactant;dispersion;micronization

目 录

1.前言 1

1.1开题依据 1

1.2文献综述 2

1.2.1聚醚砜 2

1.2.2表面活性剂 3

1.2.3分散方法 4

1.2.4微粉化 6

1.3本课题研究内容 6

2.实验部分 8

2.1仪器与试剂 8

2.1.1仪器 8

2.1.2试剂和药品 8

2.2实验原理与方法 9

2.2.1实验原理 9

2.2.2实验步骤 9

3.结果与讨论 11

3.1干燥后粉末图片 11

3.2数码放大镜照片 17

4.结论 23

致谢 25

参考文献 26


1.1 开题依据

PES聚醚砜树脂是现如今能够得到的,并应用于实际的为数不多的一种重要的特殊工程塑料。七十年代初,PES树脂由英国ICI公司研究开发成功。专利到期后,PES聚醚砜树脂开始由美国Amoco公司、西德BASF公司和日本住友化学公司生产销售。因为有军用背景,被西方巴黎统筹委员会列为战略物资的PES聚醚砜树脂一直被封锁禁运。由于我国在加强国防军工和民用高技术对高性能材料的方面有极大的需求,在此情况下,我们必须独立自主地进行研发。此项目由吉林大学特种工程塑料研究中心独家承担,由“七·五”计划开始至“九·五”末已经完成并通过鉴定验收PES聚醚砜树脂300 t/a的放大技术。从鉴定结果可以看出,PES聚醚砜树脂的各方面性能已经与国外同类产品保持一致的先进水平。新研发的PES聚醚砜树脂也成功地应用于其他领域,例如航空、石油化工、电子信息、核能等等,已不仅仅满足于最初的国防军工。 聚醚砜PES树脂微粉化工艺开发:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_80627.html
