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时间:2021-04-22 22:44来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Hydrated iron oxide has been paid more and more attention because of its special amphoteric adsorption capacity. That is, it can absorb the cation, with positive charge can be adsorbed negatively chargedanion. The adsorption capability could be apparently decreased in the presence of EDTA through its complexation with and dissolution of Fe(III). In the present study, we prepared a polymer supported hydrated ferric oxide (NDA001-HFO) through chemical liquid deposition technique.Fe(III) dissolution of NDA001-HFO in the presence of EDTA under various experimental conditions, such as EDTA concentration, dissolution time, solution pH and coexisting ions were examined. At pH =3, Fe(III) dissolution from NDA001-HFO was enhanced significantly as EDTA concentration increased. However, under pH=5 and 7, negligible Fe(III) was detected in solution due to the protection of the polymer host and the electrostatic repulsion between EDTA and sulfonic acid groups of NDA001.

Keywords: hydrated ferric oxide, Fe(III) dissolution, EDTA, coexisting ions

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 2

1.前言 4

1.1 研究背景 4

1.1.1 重金属废水的来源 4

1.1.2 纳米水合氧化铁对重金属的深度处理技术 4

1.1.3 重金属废水中EDTA对纳米水合氧化铁深度处理工艺的影响 6

1.2 本论文研究目标、思路及内容 6

1.2.1 研究目标 6

1.2.2 研究思路 6

1.2.3 研究内容 7

2.EDTA 对树脂基纳米水合氧化铁稳定性的影响 8

2.1 实验部分 8

2.1.1试剂与仪器 8

2.1.2 实验方法 8

2.1.3 分析方法 9

2.2 结果与讨论 10

2.2.1 NDA001-HFO的形貌表征 10

2.2.2 树脂基纳米水合氧化铁溶出Fe(III)前后外观对比 11

2.2.3 Fe(III)溶出动力学 11

2.2.4 共存金属阳离子影响分析 15

研究结论 17

参考文献 18

致谢 20


1.1 研究背景

1.1.1 重金属废水的来源

重金属废水主要指富含有重金属离子(如铜、镉、镍、汞、锌等)及其化合物的一类废水[1],来源主要是有电镀车间镀件清洗水、矿山坑道排水、机械制造加工排水、有色金属加工厂酸洗水选矿尾矿排水以及油漆、造纸、染料等行业排放的污水。其中电镀工业废水是重金属废水最主要来源[2-5]。另外,工业废渣、生活垃圾等重金属污染源经雨水淋溶后通过地表径流进入水体,也会影响水中重金属离子的浓度[6-8]。 液相沉积法制备树脂基水合氧化铁复合吸附剂NDA001-HFO:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_73922.html
