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时间:2020-11-09 19:43来源:毕业论文
通过实验室实验及ASPEN PLUS模拟得到的最佳操作条件为:精馏塔塔径1.7米,塔板数16块,回流比10.3,精馏温度520℃。对此最佳工艺下的反应产物进行分析,质谱分析仪分析此生物燃油的馏

摘 要:地沟油的资源化利用一直是社会的热点问题,本课题针对此问题进行化工设计开发,设计了5万吨/年地沟油制取生物柴油的工艺。该工艺过程采用催化裂解转化途径进行,对得到的反应产物再采用精馏分离手段来最终获得汽油、生物柴油。通过实验室实验及ASPEN PLUS模拟得到的最佳操作条件为:精馏塔塔径1.7米,塔板数16块,回流比10.3,精馏温度520℃。对此最佳工艺下的反应产物进行分析,质谱分析仪分析此生物燃油的馏分可得约63.77%的化合物碳链长度在C11~C15,这部分馏分油可作为柴油机动力来源。若实验室采用原油馏程切割的方式最终可得到产率约为52.61%生物柴油,同时副产一定量的裂解汽油。总体上,本设计的加工路线合理可行,操作条件温和,产品生产成本低,经济效益显著。59258


Abstract: It’s a social hot issue for the drainage oil resource utilization. This article had designed a process of annual handling capacity of 50000 tones for drainage oil. And it adopted the catalytic cracking technology, got the optimized parameters. The final product of bio-diesel was obtained by means of rectifying the mixed reactant. The optimized parameters obtained by ASPEN PLUS were : rectifying tower diameter 1.7 meters, plate number 16, reflux ratio 10.3, distillation temperature of 520℃. The reaction products were analyzed under the best operating conditions, and the compound carbon chain length of C11-C15 by the mass spectrometer analysis of was about 63.77% in the bio fuel fraction, This part distillate oil could be used as diesel power source. If the crude oil distillation range cutting way in laboratory was adopted, the bio-diesel would be about 52.61% in the final product, the pyrolysis gasoline was the by-product. On the whole, the processing route of the design was reasonable and feasible, mild operating condition,  low production cost, significant economic benefits.

Key words: drainage oil, catalytic cracking, bio-diesel,fectify


1  前言 4

1.1  设计规格 4

2  工艺流程 6

2.1  工艺技术选择 6

2.1.1  原料路线的确定 6

2.1.2  工艺技术路线介绍 8

2.1.3  工艺技术比选 9

3  工艺流程设计 9

3.1  工艺设计概述 9

3.1.1  工艺流程图 9

3.1.2  催化裂化单元 9

3.2  ASPEN PLUS计算 11

3.2.1  基本设置 11

3.2.2  虚拟流股的实沸点 11

3.2.3  精馏塔的简捷计算 13

3.2.4  精馏塔的严格计算 14

3.2.5  严格计算结果分析 16

3.2.6  精馏塔塔径计算 16

4  泵的设计选型 18

4.1  原料泵P101的计算与选型 19

4.2  出料泵P102的计算与选型 19

5  换热器计算与选型 20

5.1  塔顶冷凝器E0101的计算与选型 年产5万吨地沟油制取生物柴油工艺设计+图纸:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_64466.html
