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时间:2019-09-11 20:19来源:毕业论文

effect of aluminum, iron dosage and pH effects on coagulation
Abstract: Water is the source of life, but the per capita water resources in our country are far lower than the global average level. The water resources are scarce and fresh water is very limited. Coagulation technology is one of the important technology of water pollution control engineering, it has good effect on sewage and has a advantages of simple operation. Based on aluminum sulfate and ferric chloride as an example, this paper taken water in the pond which’s turbidity is relatively high and  water in yuquan river which’s turbidity is relatively low as the research objects, controlled two kinds of water pH and coagulant dosage , measured the water turbidity. The optimum pH aluminum sulfate coagulant treatment pond water and Yuquan river are around 8.0, the optimal dose of 2.5g ~ 5.0g / L. Ferric chloride hexahydrate coagulant treatment Yuquan River optimum pH of about 7.0 to 10.0 and the optimum pH of the treatment pond water is about 10.0, the optimal dose treatment Yuquan river was 0.5g / L or so, the best pond water a dose of about 1.5g / L. Overall, ferric coagulation purify sewage water purification effect is better than aluminum salts.
Key words: coagulation; turbidity; aluminum sulfate; ferric chloride
1研究背景    1
1.1研究意义    1
1.2研究思路    2
2研究区概况    2
2.1地理位置    2
2.2水文气象    2
3材料与方法    2
3.1样品采集    2
3.1.1采样点设置    2
3.1.2水样采集频率    2
3.2实验方法    3
3.2.1试剂与仪器    3
3.2.2试剂配制    3
4玉泉河和池塘水的混凝实验    3
4.1实验方法    3
4.1.1铝盐对玉泉河水和池塘水混凝效果影响实验    3 pH对玉泉河水和池塘水混凝效果影响    3 投加量对玉泉河水和池塘水混凝效果影响    4
4.1.2铁盐对玉泉河水和池塘水混凝效果影响实验    5 pH对玉泉河水和池塘水混凝效果影响    5 投加量对玉泉河水和池塘水混凝效果影响    6
4.2实验结果与分析    7
4.2.1铝盐实验结果与分析    7
4.2.2铁盐实验结果与分析    8
5结论    10
参考文献    11
附图    12
人的生存与发展离不开水。当今世界淡水资源占水资源总量的2.5%,淡水中又有约86%储存于冰川等中作为储备水源而无法轻易使用,能被人类利用的水资源仅仅占全球水资源总量的0.26%。我国水资源虽储量大,但时空分配及其不均。空间分布总趋势是西北水量少,东南水量多,常常西北地区干旱缺水,而南方地区发生水涝洪涝。时间尺度上水量随季节变换,这更加剧了水资源合理利用的困难。 铝盐铁盐投加量与pH对混凝效果的影响:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_39174.html