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时间:2020-08-27 16:45来源:毕业论文



Abstract: This study based on the questionnaire survey data of Huaian empty nesters’ spiritual and cultural life. The survey describes the religious belief, ways of leisure, specialties and interests, life satisfaction and thoughts on later life of the empty nesters. This study found that the empty nesters’ spiritual and cultural life demand is not high, also the religious belief and special hobbies play very important roles in empty nesters’ spiritual and cultural life quality. At the same time, communities should organize more activities of the elderly. Children comfort and physical condition attract the most attention of the empty nesters now. To ascension empty nesters’ spiritual and cultural life demand, this paper will put forward some pertinence suggestions. One is that communities should expand community volunteer service team, improve the infrastructure and advertise more. The second is that governments must strengthen the elderly health service system construction.

Keywords: empty nester, cultural life,spiritual needs

目   录

1  问题提出 5

文献回顾 5

3  研究设计 6

3.1  调查对象与方法 6

3.2  调查内容 6

3.3  资料处理 6

4  结果与分析 6

4.1  样本特征 6

4.2  宗教信仰情况 7

4.3  休闲活动 8

4.4  特长与爱好 9

4.5  生活满意度状况与晚年想法 10

总结与建议 13

参考文献 15

致谢 16

附录:调查问卷 17

1  问题提出


2012年7月10日,全国老龄工作委员会办公室发布的《2011年度中国老龄事业发展统计报告》指出,我国城乡空巢和独居老年人显著增加,目前我国城乡空巢家庭超过50%,部分大中城市达到70%。空巢老人数量逐年增加,空巢家庭的出现给现有的社区服务提出新的要求。在这种情况下,社区需要替代家庭承担社会化居家养老功能,为老年人提供更多服务。社区提供什么和如何提供服务都需要进一步研究,才能使社区服务满足空巢老人的需要,因而需要了解空巢老人的现状。本文通过对淮安市四个社区的空巢老人进行问卷调查了解空巢老人的现状,为解决空巢老人精神文化生活问题提供政策建议。 “空巢老人”文化生活研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_59322.html
