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时间:2020-02-26 10:34来源:毕业论文
在就业困难的现状下,学院学生初次就业的期望薪酬仍较实际偏高,这其中,月生活费、学习成绩、是否有学生干部经历这这三个因素与期望薪酬成正比, 年级和是否有实习经历与期望薪

摘要在就业困难的现状下,学院学生初次就业的期望薪酬仍较实际偏高,这其中,月生活费、学习成绩、是否有学生干部经历这这三个因素与期望薪酬成正比, 年级和是否有实习经历与期望薪酬成反比,男生比女生初次就业期望薪酬高,来自城市的学生初次就业期望薪酬比来自农村的高,来自正常家庭的比来自单亲家庭的学生期望薪酬高,是独生子女的学生期望薪酬比非独生子女的高,期望就业单位是外企的学生期望薪酬依次高于期望就业单位是国有企业、政府机关事业单位、民营企业。结合现状,笔者提出了四个建议,建议的核心都是围绕让学生更加了解就业相关信息,以期对帮助广东金融学院学生形成合理的初次就业期望薪酬起良好的促进作用。45474
毕业论文关键词: 初次就业; 期望薪酬偏高; 影响因素
As we all known, nowadays many college graduates have difficulties to find a satisfied and high-payment jobs,while in the contrary, most of graduates of University of still pursue a higher expected salary in the Initial employment.Salary expectation is proportional to the month's budget, academic performance and experiences in student cadre.However, it is inversely proportional to internship experiences and grade.Whereby male commonly have a higher salary expectation than female.Those graduates who are form cities are expected to have a higher salary than those from countrysides.In the meantime,graduates from complete families have higher salary than those from single-parent families.In addition,graduates who are the only-child have higher expected salary than those with siblings in their families.Graduates who want to apply for foreign companies have a orderly higher expected salary than those who apply for state-owned enterprises,government agencies and private enterprises.Basing on the current situation,the author makes four proposals,which aim at providing more information for graduates in Guangdong University of Finance and help then to set up a reasonable employment expectations.
Key words: The first job; Salary expectations on the high side; The affecting Factors
目    录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
一、引言    - 1 -
二、大学生初次就业期望薪酬的内涵和现状    - 1 -
(一)大学生初次就业期望薪酬的内涵    - 1 -
(二)大学生初次就业期望薪酬的现状    - 2 -
三、大学生初次就业期望薪酬的测量指标    - 2 -
(一)性别因素    - 3 -
(二)户籍因素    - 3 -
(三)家庭构成因素    - 4 -
(四)生活费因素    - 4 -
(五)学习成绩因素    - 4 -
(六)学生干部经历因素    - 5 -
(七)期望就业单位性质因素    - 5 -
四、广东金融学院大学生初次就业期望薪酬的现状    - 6 -
(一)对广东金融学院大学生初次就业期望薪酬的调查    - 6 -
1.调查对象    - 6 -
2.调查过程    - 6 -
3.统计方法    - 6 -
(二)广东金融学院学生初次就业期望薪酬明显偏高    - 6 -
五、广东金融学院学生初次就业薪酬期望影响因素分析    - 7 -
(一)初次就业期望薪酬与影响因素之间的相关分析    - 7 -
(二)初次就业期望薪酬与影响因素之间的回归分析    - 8 -
六、研究建议    - 11 -
(一)分类统计已毕业学生就业薪酬水平并公布数据    - 11 - 大学生初次就业期望薪酬的影响因素:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_46917.html