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时间:2020-01-19 20:16来源:毕业论文




Shi sung hang clothing wholesale market as one of the leading commercial circle in the Chinese clothing wholesale market in the process of the establishment of the distribution channel of Chinese clothing has a pivotal position. However, in recent years, with the development of electronic commerce, it was the impact of electronic commerce is more and more big.

Compared to the electronic commerce, the traditional wholesale industry has the absolute advantage in the logistics supply chain, and the development of electronic commerce to the traditional business of a strong threat at the same time also provides a great opportunity for business now. With 13 behavior is on behalf of the traditional clothing wholesale business, how to effectively use emerging technologies change existing works to further improve their core competence, this is a problem worth thinking deeply.

The purpose of this paper is through the analysis of the status of line 13 clothing wholesale market, combining with the advantages disadvantages and analyzes the feasibility of e-commerce.


Keyword: shi sung hang cloth wholesale market ;business model; electronic commerce

目   录

一 引言 5

(一)研究背景 5

(二)研究内容 5

(三)研究需要解决的问题 5

(四)研究方法 5

二 十三行的发展状况 7

三 传统批发商户以及批发市场顾客的行为因素分析 7

(一)批发商户行为因素分析 7

(二)批发市场客户行为因素分析 7

四 十三行商家目前面临的困境和挑战 7

(一)租金水涨船高 8

(二)市场低档化,边缘化日益严重 8

(三)从业人员素质不高 8

(四)市场环境差,功能单一,制度不完全 8

五 十三行商家涉足电子商务的优势 8

(一)信誉优势 8

(二)物流优势 8

(三)管理优势 9

(四)供应链优势 9

六 十三行商家涉足电子商务的劣势 9

(一)人才劣势 9

(二)管理劣势 9

(三)危机感不足 9

七 十三行商家涉足电子商务的模式 广州十三行服装批发市场电子商务转型研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_45513.html
