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时间:2020-01-17 11:26来源:毕业论文



 Abstract: With the development and innovation of the internet, E-commerce has entered the stage of innovation and rapid expansion. Internet Banking provides financial services, without the limitation of time and space. There are similar between internet banking and e-commerce, it promote the development of internet banking, service quality of internet banking has become a key competitive, How to improve service quality of internet banking need a major clear direction. This paper focuses on the impact of service quality evaluation, design and application of evaluation factors for service quality of internet banking in China. 

 We adopt the methods which combine theory with practice, comprehensive the study for service quality of internet banking at home and abroad, for the actual situation, according to the index and the service quality of intimacy, use ahp to determine the weight of evaluation index system, establishment the service quality evaluation system for Internet banking. Based on the analysis of CCB, puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions.

毕业论文关键词:网上银行; 服务质量;层次分析法 

Keyword:Internet Banking;Service Quality;Ahp


1 引言 4

1.1选题背景 4

1.2研究内容 5

1.3研究方法 5

2 文献综述 5

2.1服务质量评价体系相关研究 5

2.2网上银行服务质量相关研究 6

2.3研究存在的问题 6

3 网上银行服务质量构成要素 6

3.1可靠性 7

3.2便利性 7

3.3沟通性 7

3.4安全性 7

3.5关怀性 7

4 国内网上银行服务质量评价指标设置的原则 8

5 基于层次分析法的网上银行服务质量评价模型 8

5.1建立递阶层次结构 8

5.2构造判断矩阵 9

5.3判断矩阵元素的标度方法 10

5.4权重计算 10

5.5一致性检验 11

5.6网上银行服务质量评价模型权重计算 11

6 国内网上银行服务质量评价体系设计与应用:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_45355.html
