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时间:2019-11-24 20:33来源:毕业论文

摘要作为世界养老大国,我国在面对日益严重的养老问题中,养老院建设显得尤为重要。但是我国养老产业内部存在相关问题,民办养老机构规模小、资源少;公办养老机构资源足、床位少;且相关潜在市场,例如高档养老设施不全、发展不均衡。因此需要促进养老机构投资主体的多元化,吸引社会资源。高档养老院的建设,包括养老地产建设有利于市场的良性竞争和资源的充分利用。 随着社会经济发展,老人收入增加;子女数量减少的背景致使高收入空巢老人增加,因此高档养老需求逐渐增加。高档养老院是满足老人在追求物质生活的同时拥有精神上的享受。本文通过实地探访和访谈收集安徽“爱晚工程”的近况,了解开发商眼中该产业存在的可行性,同时在访谈中得出的开发商的开发对象聚集地之一上海选取一部分生活水平较高的老人展开问卷调查, 收集他们对于高档养老院、中小城市高档养老机构和爱晚工程的看法。老人养老方式的选择和经济实力、家庭状况、子女条件紧密相关,满足这些条件的上海的老人对在中小城市高档养老院养老是支持和向往的,但对爱晚品牌了解度统计发现“爱晚工程”前期宣传工作较少,中小城市虽然有环境上的优势但是也有交通上的劣势。爱晚工程顾客对象选择定位为长三角一线城市高收入老人群体,老年顾客的性质决定爱晚工程养老机构的服务性质——度假兼养老,这区别于一般以养护服务为主的上海市郊的高档养老社区。同时,笔者在宣城当地民办养老院开展问卷调查,调查中小城市,即“爱晚工程”所在地老人对于爱晚工程的期待值。调查发现爱晚工程在当地知名度较高,但老人们因为养老观念和需求、经济条件不同于该工程开发对象和当地老人对养老现状的满意度较高,对爱晚工程此类高档养老机构选择意向不大。本文通过定性和定量的数据得出爱晚工程开发商选择顾客对象为一线城市高收入老年人群体是准确的,且工程所在地当地老年群体有可能性成为潜在开发群体。42034
毕业论文关键词 养老地产 爱晚工程 上海 需求群体
Title A Study on the Management Service of High-Grade Nursing Home—A Case Study of ‘AiWan’ in Xuancheng of AnhuiAbstractNowadays, China has the most population of elders and the nursing home is vital to China too.But we meet many problems in the industry of nursing home. The privacy nursing has littlemoney and scale while the public nursing home cannot allow more elders. This unbalancepromotes the Industrialization of nursing home. The high-level nursing home and the pensionreal estate are good to the market and with the development of economy more elders are willingto consume high-level service. Author visited interviews from Anhui ‘Ai Wan’ project scheduleinformation and tried to understand the developers’ opinion of the industry. And the authorselected the biggest demand groups in Shanghai to do the questionnaire. With the analysis, wecan try to understand the elders’ choice is related to the factors, such as income, family and theirchildren. The elders from Shanghai is agree with the high level nursing home in small cities butthe ‘Ai Wan’ project needs to do more propagandas and to find the solution to the trafficproblems. Author tried to find the nursing phenomenon in the small city where the ‘Ai Wan’locates. The project opens to the elders from the big cities and with enough money. Small city,where the ‘Ai Wan’ locates, have little possibility to be the consumers of the nursing home. Andsome problems and suggestions are obtained according to the relevant data of the questionnaire.
Keywords Pension Real -Estate ‘AiWan’ Project Shanghai Demand Groups “爱晚工程”高档养老机构需求问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_42305.html