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时间:2018-12-22 11:42来源:毕业论文

Analysis of automobile industry brand strategy
Abstract: Brand as a symbol of a product different from other competitors in the product, is a kind of intangible assets of enterprises in long-term in the operation of the market, reflected on the consumers is the cognition of products and a series of products. On behalf of the enterprises is the embodiment of a potential competitiveness and market value. With the continuous development of social economy, the rising living standard of the people, the car as commodities have gradually entered the homes of ordinary people, how to through strategic brand management for the automobile to improve vehicle reputation and market share is the key for auto sales, this paper carries out research, with the vehicle as the research object, analyses its brand strategic promotion impact on sales, and gives their professional knowledge related suggestions.
Keywords: shangqi  rongwei; brand management; brand strategy promotion
一、引言    1
(一)研究背景    1
(二)研究意义    1
二、品牌营销概述    3
(一)品牌营销涵义    3
(二)自主品牌内涵    3
(三)品牌营销作用    4
三、上汽荣威品牌营销的现状分析    5
(一)上汽荣威简介    5
(二)上汽荣威品牌营销概述    5
(三)上汽荣威品牌营销的必要性    6
(四)品牌营销在上汽荣威的应用现状    6
四、上汽荣威品牌营销存在的主要问题及原因分析    8
(一)品牌定位不够清晰准确    8
(二)产品品质有待提高    8
(三)品牌营销与企业实力脱钩    8
(四)品牌资产属性没能得到充分体现    9
(五)市场定位与品牌营销有所偏颇    10
五、上汽荣威品牌营销对策建议    11
(一)品牌定位清晰化    11
(二)以质量为基础,加强品牌建设    11
(三)结合自身实力选择品牌策略    12
(四)选准市场定位,提升品牌形象    13
(五)加强企业品牌营销意识    13
(优尔)加强新能源车型的研发和品牌锻造    14
优尔、结论与展望    15
参考文献    16
致谢    17
品牌对于企业的发展非常重要,通常而言,企业可以通过品牌效应积累更多的客户,从而拓展更多的市场,良好的品牌有助于企业在消费者群体中树立良好的口碑,获得消费者的信赖,因此,品牌对于企业而言,是巨大的无形资产,而品牌营销能够帮助企业塑造符合自身特色的品牌,企业可以通过品牌营销,让更多的消费者了解企业以及企业的产品,同时,进一步引起消费者的关注,因而品牌营销已经受到了越来越多企业的重视,并将其纳入到自身的战略发展中去。 上汽荣威品牌营销问题及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_28047.html