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时间:2023-01-15 21:14来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 创造力;团队创造力;积极情绪;隐性知识分享

Research on The Role of Positive Mood in Formation Mechanism of College Students’ Entrepreneur Team ------- Implicit Knowledge Sharing as Intermediary Variable

Abstract Creativity in organizations is a newly research area, most of innovation and change come from creativity in modern organizations。 "black box", which means how inpidual creativity change into group creativity, has become a road of improving group creativity。 This article takes college students’ entrepreneur team as the research object, puts forward theoretic assumptions of the mechanism that change inpidual creativity to group creativity through sharing implicit knowledge , establishes the model which includes a mediating variable and produces survey questions。 Through related data collection and the adoption of Markway software, The result proves that the effect of positive mood on group creativity is significantly positive and implicit knowledge sharing plays a partial mediator between the independent and dependent variable。This study provides theoretical support, which can used by following research of relationship between inpidual creativity,group creativity and improvement of group creativity。It also can push forward the research on creativity of college students’ entrepreneur team in China and cultivating their creativity。 

Keywords: creativity; group creativity; positive mood; implicit knowledge

目 录

0。导言 1

1 文献综述 2

1。1基本概念 2

1。1。1创造力的概念 2

1。1。2 积极情绪的概念 3

1。1。3內隐知识分享的概念 4

1。2 组织创造力的生成因素研究现状 4

1。2。1创造力经典框架模型 4

1。2。2 研究现状梳理 7

1。3 积极情绪研究现状 12

1。4内隐知识分享与创造力研究现状 15

2积极情绪对大学生创业团队创造力生成机制的实证研究 16

2。1研究假设提出 16

2。2实证设计 17

2。2。1研究思路 17

2。2。2研究对象 18

2。2。3 测量问卷 21

2。2。4 统计工具与方法 22

2。3 数据分析与结果 积极情绪对大学生创业团队创造力生成作用研究内隐知识分享:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_124012.html
