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时间:2022-12-28 21:44来源:毕业论文



“The old aged fell down help or not”:the crisis, causes and countermeasures analysis

Abstract Hedonic price of Nanjing in 2006 Peng Yu case caused by” the old aged fall down help or not “controversy has already become a by legal issues and promoting the moral problems of social syndrome。 From all walks of life generally pushed the social moral landslide, collapse of social credit system, the mainstream public values deviate from, judicial fairness and justice。 As a result, the old aged fell down and no one dare to lend a helping hand, neglecting the phenomenon frequently appeared in the newspapers。 To explore the “The old aged fell down help or not ” topic how to become a public crisis from the public management level, analysis “The old aged fell down help or not” phenomenon how to influence people's value judgment and fact, reveals how to eliminate social value consensus fracture “The old aged fell down help or not” the dilemma, will help us to understand the social transition period of fact judgment, moral cognition and solve the problem。

Keywords: old aged; moral; the law; the judicial system


0 引言 1

1概念介绍与问题陈述 1

1。1 相关概念介绍 1

1。2 “老人摔倒扶不扶”问题概述 2

2 问题症候 4

2。1 司法“标签化”示范 4

2。2 旁观者效应 4

3 事实探究 6

3。1当事者的取证分歧 6

3。2 媒体的“事实”报道 6

3。3 “公正旁观者”的可信度分析 9

4 成因分析 10

4。1 偏见是否影响人的社会认知 10

4。2 司法实践如何考虑社会因素 11

5 解决之道 12

5。1 加强公民道德素质 12

5。2 推进社会法制建设 14

5。3提升司法体制改革 14

结论 17

致谢 18

参考文献 19


0 引言

“老吾老以及人之老”是中华民族的传统美德,扶助老人本是值得颂扬与效仿的善事,但是自2006年11月20日南京的“彭宇撞人案”诱发的“老人摔倒扶不扶”这一尴尬的社会问题仍然不时地刺激人们的神经。老年人本是社会弱势群体,老人落难,当需扶助。可是现实中,已然“污名化”的“摔倒中”的老人似乎扮演的是强者的角色,利用“老”、“伤”来“诬陷”、“讹害”扶助者,着实令人唏嘘。虽然许多地方为应对这一问题都提出了相应的解决措施,并取得了一定的成效,但由于对事实的把握不清和解决的措施不当,“老人摔倒扶不扶”问题仍拷问着每个人的良知。如“淮南大学生案”,四川3名小孩扶老人遭诬陷案等。唯有厘清问题发生的前因后果,揭示问题的实质,从根源上采取措施,使救人者、获救助者和旁观者都无后顾之忧,创新社会治理实践。 老人摔倒扶不扶危机成因及对策分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_116190.html
