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时间:2022-03-27 20:47来源:毕业论文
对龙王塘中心渔港进行扩建工程的码头设计。设计的主要 内容包括对该渔港码头的扩建部分进行港口的相关平面布置、卸鱼码头的码头 结构型式以及相关稳定性进行设计和验算

摘要本次毕业设计是对龙王塘中心渔港进行扩建工程的码头设计。设计的主要 内容包括对该渔港码头的扩建部分进行港口的相关平面布置、卸鱼码头的码头 结构型式以及相关稳定性进行设计和验算。 79352

根据水文资料中水产品的主要卸港量对扩建部分码头的总平面的各主要功 能区进行布置,根据码头的主要功能确定码头的主要结构型式,本设计目的是 的对各功能码头进行设计,对码头的面板、面板下纵梁和横向排架以及停靠渔 船的靠船构件等各部分进行相关的设计计算和稳定性的验算。 

设计中主要包括龙王塘渔港的总平面的布置以及对各功能码头结构进行设 计。根据当地的水文资料和码头预计的年卸港量来确定码头的泊位数和码头的 岸线长度,相关尺寸确定后再对陆域和水域进行功能区的划分和设计。根据已 经收集的相关水文资料确定渔港的各设计水位和施工水位,并对码头的泥面高 程和顶高程,并为接下来的断面设计进行铺垫。在对码头进行结构计算的过程 中,对面板来说面板设计最困难的是荷载在面板上的传递方式的设计,根据横 纵梁的搭接长度,板被设计为单向板。在面板的计算中,由于是单向板面板的 的跨度为四跨可以按照四跨连续梁计算。横向排架计算运用易工软件对横梁进 行内力分析,最后对横梁、桩及靠船构件进行配筋和验算。保证码头的结构设 计可以满足码头的结构设计要求,最后通过完成的设计说明书、设计计算书、 结构图纸、平面图纸,完成本次毕业设计。 

毕业论文关键词:高桩码头 ,平面布置,结构设计

Abstract The graduation design topic is < Dragon King Pool Dalian fishing port expansion project design。 This graduation design is to Dalian long wang tang heart fishing port extension of port layout and unloading fish dock section form and structure design。

According to the water supply products at the port of discharge amount of the terminal total plane layout, and determine the type of wharf, pier design section, the panel stringer and lateral row frame and pile, berthing member for necessary calculation and checking。 Finally, make a summary of the design。

Design according to the design mainly including the fishing port layout as well as the wharf structure design。 The port layout includes determining wharf berths, the terminal shoreline length, to the land arrangement and layout of the waters。 In the general layout design of high water level and low water level and construction level to determine the terminal crest elevation and bottom elevation, and for the next step of section design and lay a foundation。 Next to the pier structure calculation, the panel of the difficulties of calculation is the main load transfer panel horizontal rails lap length, plate at the dock shoreline direction single wide strip。 The strength calculation, use according to the five span continuous beam calculation。 Lateral row frame Calculation is easy to use software of the beam internal force analysis。 Finally, the beam, pile and berthing member of reinforcement and checking。 Wharf structure under the premise of achieving the design requirements of the scheme optimization selection, simple structure form of the high pile wharf structure is lighter, and the foundation is not high。 Finally the design specification, design calculations, planar graph, graph structure, the graduation design。

Key words: high pile wharf, plane layout, structure design

第一章 概述 1

1。1  项目概况 1

1。2  地理位置及交通概况 大连龙王塘渔港扩建工程设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_91678.html
