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时间:2022-02-10 22:48来源:毕业论文

摘要连云港庙岭煤码头是在连云港老港区已经饱和的情况下,为增加煤炭运输量而开辟的庙岭东港区一期工程,该工程为“六∙五”国家计划中的重点建设项目。整个工程 地处连云港海州湾西南岸。港口北面及南面均有天然屏障,并有铁路穿越其境,为煤炭的运输提供良好条件。 针对庙岭地区自然条件及总体规划,庙岭煤码头设计为栈桥式高桩码头,高桩码头中选取梁板式结构。本设计主要是针对梁板式高桩码头中各个构件进行设计,包括 面板、普通纵梁、轨道梁、横向排架、桩基、桩帽、靠船构件等的设计。参照相关规 范及施工要求,拟定各部分的尺寸,进行荷载计算,然后针对荷载组合进行配筋,最 后进行抗裂验算。荷载及其组合部分的计算,除了笔算之外还使用了结构力学求解器 和易工软件。在毕业设计计算书完成后绘制 CAD 图纸,包括码头平面、剖面、立面 图,各构件配筋图等。77866


Abstract Lianyungang Miaoling Coal Terminal is in the old port of Lianyungang has been saturated, the increase in coal traffic and opened Miaoling Donggang a project, the project is "six ∙ five" national plans of key construction projects。 The whole project is located in the southwest coast of Lianyungang Haizhou Bay。 Each port on the north and south of the natural barriers and rail through its territory to provide favorable conditions for the transport of coal。

Miaoling area for natural conditions and the overall planning, Miaoling Coal Terminal is designed to bridge the formula wharf, select high - pile plate girder structure。 The design for the plate girder high - pile design of each member, including panels, common rails, track beam, horizontal bent, pile, pile cap, berthing member design。 Reference to the relevant specifications and construction requirements, the size of each part of the preparation, conduct load calculation, then reinforcement for load combinations, and finally crack resistance。 Load calculation section, and combinations thereof, in addition to written calculation also uses structural mechanics solver and easy working software。 Drawing CAD drawing upon graduation design calculations completed, including the pier plan, section, elevation, each member reinforcement diagrams。

Keywords: Lianyungang Miaoling;Coal Termina;plate girder high-pile wharf

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 工程设计背景 1

1。2 高桩码头发展现状及存在问题 1

1。2。1  发展现状 1

1。2。2  存在的问题 1

1。3 本次设计主要研究内容 1

第二章 设计资料 3

2。1 工程概况 3

2。2 自然条件 3

2。2。1  地理位置 3

2。2。2  气温 3

2。2。3  降雨 3

2。2。4  风况 3

2。2。5  雾况 4

2。3 水文资料 4

2。3。1  设计水位(连云港零点) 4

2。3。2  潮汐 4

2。3。3  波浪 连云港庙岭煤码头主体工程设计:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_89563.html
