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时间:2021-01-16 22:10来源:毕业论文

摘要码头设计是水运工程中最基本、最重要的环节。优秀的设计码头方案,不仅能使码头满足安全性、经济性、实用性等各方面性能的要求,而且还能在设计理念上展示出独到的见解,体现出设计者的创新精神。同时在码头设计的过程中,各设计方案、计算方法的确定都是设计者对自身工程经验和码头相关规范的应用和提升。 因此对码头设计过程的学习、研究和应用,具有现实意义和实践价值。本文通过对常州运河新港规划区自然环境和社会环境的资料统计分析, 确定了拟建港区码头的平面布置、尺寸和泊位,设计了码头装卸工艺和后方堆场。提出建设重力式干地现浇卸荷板式码头的设计方案,在拟建港区水域范围内,计算出拟建码头在各水位下的结构自重、岸壁式码头墙后回填土的土压力强度和其他荷载,并进行了抗倾、抗滑和承载力等各方面验算,初步完成了常州运河新港码头设计书,给出较为完整的设计图纸、资料。本文提供的设计成果符合港口工程设计规范, 提供的设计图纸和资料详实、 完整、适用度高,对常州运河新港码头的建设和施工具有现实的指导意义。62289
Abstract Wharf Water Transport Engineering design is the most basic, the most important part.Excellent design dock program, not only make the wharf to meet the security, economic,practical and other aspects of performance requirements, but also demonstrate a uniqueperspective in the design concept, reflecting the innovative spirit of the designer. While atthe pier design process, the design, calculation method to determine all the designers oftheir own engineering experience and marina relevant norms of application and promotion.Therefore learning, research and application dock design process has practical significanceand practical value.Based on the planning area, Changzhou Canal Newport natural and socialenvironment of the statistical analysis to determine the layout of the proposed dock, berthsize and designed Terminal Handling Technology and rear yard. Proposed building designgravity unloading dry cast slab pier harbor waters within the proposed scope of theproposed wharf structure is calculated at each level of the dead weight, earth pressure afterquay quay wall and backfill other loads, and anti-dumping, anti-slide and carrying capacityand other aspects of checking, completed a preliminary design document, ChangzhouCanal Newport Pier, gives a more complete design drawings and data.Design results provided herein conform to the port engineering design specifications,design drawings and informative, complete, apply high offer, Changzhou Canalconstruction and construction Newport Pier has practical significance.
Key words: Dry construction; Changzhou Newport; canal wharf; structural design; 

目 录

第一章 绪论1

第二章 设计资料..2

2.1 工程概况..2

2.2 气象.2

2.2.1 气温..2

2.2.2 降水..2

2.2.3 风况..3

2.2.4 雾3

2.2.5 相对湿度4

2.2.6 雷暴..4

2.3 水文.4

2.3.1 设计水位4

2.3.2 作业天数统计..4

2.4 地形地貌..4

2.5 工程地质..5

2.6 地震.6

2.7 外部配套条件6

2.8 码头机械设备6

第三章 码头尺度..7

3.1 设计船型..7

3.2 设计主尺度.7

3.2.1 泊位长度.7

3.2.2 码头前沿水底高程8

3.2.3 码头前沿设计高程..9

第四章 总平面设计.10

4.1 总平面布置原则10

4.2 工程建设地点.10

4.3 平面布置依据.10

4.4 港区水域布置.10

4.4.1 码头前沿停泊水域尺..10

4.4.2 码头前船舶回旋水域尺度10 常州运河新港2000吨级散货码头设计及施工组织设计+图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_68462.html
