
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 土木工程 >


时间:2020-06-23 21:26来源:毕业论文



Abstract This design is a level two on the road a hundred meters bridge, the prestressd concrete beam bridge structure, in the process of design, focuses on the analysis of the upper structure of bridge, the main girder,calculation of cross beam of carriageway slab. On the main girder and transverse load distribution coefficient, internal force calculation, calculation of bearing capacity limits state of persistent state section, deflection calculation. The beam is bending moment calculation, reinforcement and checking, shear effect calculation and reinforcement design. Deck calculation is pided into computation schema, section design of permanent load and its effect, reinforcement, and strength checking.

Keywords: simple beam; primary beam; cross beam; carriageways


绪论 1

一.主梁 2

1.主梁设计资料 2

2.主梁的荷载横向分布系数 4

2.1.主梁的抗弯及抗扭惯矩和 4

2.2.横梁抗弯及抗扭惯矩 6

2.3.计算抗弯参数和扭弯参数: 7

2.4.计算荷载弯矩横向分布影响线坐标 8

2.5.绘制横向分布系数图,求横向分布系数。 9

2.6.梁端剪力横向分布系数 10

3.内力计算 11

3.1.恒载内力 11

3.2.活载内力 14

3.3.内力组合 20

4.持久状况截面承载能力极限状态计算 22

4.1.正截面承载力计算 23

4.2.斜截面承载力计算 23

4.3.抗剪钢筋计算 24

4.4.箍筋计算 26

4.5.裂缝宽度验算 27

5.主梁挠度计算 29

二.横梁计算 30

1.横梁的弯矩计算 30

2.横梁截面配筋与验算 32

2.1.正弯矩配筋 32

2.2.验算配筋率 33

2.3.验算截面抗弯承载力: 33

2.4.负弯矩配筋 33

2.5.验算配筋率 34

2.6.验算截面抗弯承载力: 35

3.横梁剪力效应计算及配筋设计 35

三.行车道板计算 37

1.计算图示 37

2.永久荷载及其效应 多跨非对称预应力混凝土简支梁桥设计:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_55274.html
