
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 土木工程 >


时间:2020-03-08 12:16来源:毕业论文

The graduation project needs to be completed in Tongling City, Anhui Province, the construction of a four storey teaching building construction plans. The construction area is 4718.1 square meters, the building structure is the frame structure, the fire resistance grade is two, the seismic fortification intensity is 6 degrees. First of all, on the basis of the construction drawings, according to the Jiangsu province 2014 quota valuation rules calculate the engineering quantity and complete the calculation of the project. Then apply glodon pricing software, and then the software price: hour of labor price, materials unit, Jixietaiban unit price adjustment into Nanjing 2016 February construction materials market price guide. Finally, the total cost of the project is 5696208.40. The compilation of a complete construction drawing budget includes some engineering unit summary table, the final completion of the project budget table, the measure project fee calculation table and fees pricing tables and other table.These forms integration system formed a complete construction drawing budget report.
Key words: construction drawing budget; valuation; quota
 目  录
第一章  工程简介    1
1.1 工程概述    1
1.1.1 项目简介    1
1.1.2 气候条件    1
1.2 设计依据    1
1.2.1 算量依据    1
1.2.2 计价依据    2
1.2.3 计算范围    2
第二章  工程量计算    3
2.1 概述    3
2.2 建筑分部分项工程量计算    3
2.2.1 土、石方工程    3
2.2.2 砌筑工程    5
2.2.3 钢筋工程    7
2.2.4混凝土工程    9
2.2.4 屋面及防水工程    14
2.2.5保温、隔热、防腐工程    15
2.3装饰分部分项工程量计算    15
2.3.1 楼地面工程    15
2.3.2 墙柱面工程    16
2.3.3 天棚    16
2.3.4门窗工程    16
2.4 措施项目计算    18
2.4.1 脚手架工程    18
2.4.2 模板工程    19
2.4.3 建筑工程垂直运输    19
第三章  定额套用    20
3.1 定额套用    20
3.2 换算定额    20
3.3 换算说明    20
第四章  工程取费    26
4.1 工程类别    26
4.2 费率确定    26
4.2.1 措施项目费费率取定    26
4.2.2 规费费率取定    27
4.2.3 税金费率取定    28
第五章  预算文件汇总    29
5.1 编制说明    29
5.2 单项工程费汇总表    29 铜陵四层高教学楼施工图预算编制:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_47809.html