
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 土木工程 >


时间:2024-09-28 22:14来源:97550



Abstract:The design is about Tuohui River Guzhen Ship Lock which is located in the town of Gu Town’s control gate and the south of old ship lock which is the second runway building of Tuohui River. The construction of the lock can be resumed to a certain extent, to promote the construction of the inland waterway in the Huaihe River Basin, and to improve the comprehensive transportation network in the area.

The design of the lock is mainly through the use of query shipper design specification and related books, and discussing with teachers. By navigating the hydrological and meteor ological data, engineering geological data and the size of the lock in the area where the Tuohui River town is located. The shipper size, shipper passing capacity and water consumption are design-ed with the design specifications. According to the lock design code, we can know and design the form of filling and empty-ing system and the size of water conveyance system. Accroding to the lock design code and textbook’s content, we can know how to design the size of the lock’s gate and valve and know how to pide lock head into three sections. According to the lock deign code, we can know how to design the lock chamber, including the lock chamber’s dimension, brake wall’s checking and brake bottom’s checking. According to the lock design code, we can check whether the lock head can meet the requirement of code or not, including load calculation, tile floor’s checking. And at the same time, the checking includes the anti-sliding, anti-inclining, anti-floating stability checking, seepage stability calculation, foundation bearing capacity calculation

and calculation of steel.

Keywords: lock, lock head, lock chamber, the water conveyance system, checking


第一章绪论 1

1.1设计可行性和必要性 1

1.2主要研究内容 1

第二章设计资料 2

2.1船闸原始资料 2

2.1.1设计标准、规范 2

2.1.2经济资料 2

第三章总体设计 5

3.1船闸规模 5

3.2船闸级数 5

3.3高程确定 5

3.4引航道的型式及尺度 5

3.4.1引航道长度 6

3.4.2引航道宽度 7

3.4.3引航道水深 沱浍河固镇船闸设计+图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_204749.html
