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时间:2018-03-27 10:24来源:毕业论文

摘要:本设计是一座50+80+50三跨的连续刚构桥梁,两端为桥台,中间桥墩墩高均为35m。双向四车道(不设人行道),全长180米,19米宽,设计荷载为公路—Ⅰ级。本设计主要采用桥梁博士分析软件来进行结构内力的分析计算。同时也使用了Auto CAD、Excel等软件来辅助完成此设计。全桥设计中,上部结构总共分成70个单元,下部结构共有14个单元及2个虚拟块单元,另定义有46个施工阶段,先进行边跨合拢,再进行中跨合拢。按照任务书的要求,在进行完建模之后,我们对结构进行内力计算,并估算出所需的预应力筋的束数,再用公式进行预应力筋的计算、验算及布置。在做完计算之后,我们将绘制结构的主要施工图,包括预应力筋的详图、箱梁的截面图、整桥图等,最后进行文档的整理。20199
Qianjiang Bridge design (50 +80 +50 continuous rigid frame bridge)
Abstract:The design is a three-span of 50 +80 +50 continuous rigid frame bridge, Abutments at both ends, Middle of the bridge pier are 35m high. Two-way four-lane (no sidewalk), a total length of 180 meters, 19 meters wide, Design load for the highway-I. This design uses a "Dr.bridge" analysis software for structural analysis and calculation of internal forces. Also uses Auto CAD, Excel and other software designed to assist accomplish this. Throughout the design process, upper structure is pided into a total of 70 units, the lower structure total 14 units and 2 virtual block unit, another definition has 46 construction phase. Cross Close first performed, and then the cross-fold. In accordance with the requirements of the mission statement, after making finished modeling, we calculate the internal force structure, and to estimate the number of beams required for prestressing tendons, then the formula to calculate tendons, checking and layout. After doing calculations, we will draw the main structure of the construction plans, including tendons detail, box girder cross-sectional view, the whole bridge diagrams, finally, finishing the document.
Keywords: prestressed;continuous rigid frame,;tendons
目  录
1 绪论    1
1.1  设计目的和意义    1
1.2  桥梁的种类及连续刚构桥的优缺点    1
1.2.1  桥梁的种类    1
1.2.2  连续刚构桥的优缺点    1
1.3  连续刚构桥国内外研究    2
1.4  刚构桥在我国的发展趋势    2
2  桥垮总体布置及结构主要尺寸    3
2.1  设计资料、技术指标及材料规格    3
2.1.1  设计资料    3
2.1.2  技术指标及材料规格    3
2.2  桥型布置就孔径划分    3
2.3  桥面布置    4
2.4  截面形式及尺寸拟定    4
2.4.1  截面形式    4
2.4.2  立面形式    5
2.4.3  主梁高度    5
2.4.4  腹板厚度    6
2.5  整桥的分段    6
3  建模及作用内力计算    6
3.1  项目总体信息输入    6
3.2  单元特征信息输入    6
3.3  施工信息输入    8
3.4  使用阶段信息输入    8
3.4.1  荷载集度计算    8
3.4.2  冲击系数计算    9
3.4.3  荷载效应组合    10
3.5  内力计算    11
4  预应力筋的估算与配置    14
4.1  预应力筋的估算    14 黔江大桥设计(50+80+50连续刚构桥):http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_11876.html