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时间:2022-10-16 22:26来源:毕业论文

摘 要高层建筑事业的发展随着城市人口的不断增长已是势不可挡。而伴随着高层建筑 施工层数多、高度高、工程量大、工序复杂和工期长等特点,施工过程中存在着许多 风险隐患,导致了建筑事故频发。对此,为了保障施工安全,降低生命财产安全的损 失,本文结合安全管理和风险管理两大管理体系对高层建筑施工的安全管理进行研 究。84592

文中分析了高层事故主要类别,针对建筑业的“五大伤害”挖掘其风险源,提出 了风险源的评价与控制方法,并结合高层建筑施工特点着重分析了危险作业区域和工 序中的风险,提出了相应控制措施,同时对于建筑信息模型(BIM)在施工安全管理 中的应用效果进行了初步分析,展望未来建筑施工信息化的安全管理前景。最后结合 工程实例进行实证分析,根据危险源的 LEC 定量法评价高层施工安全风险等级,进一 步采取相应安全控制措施,研究认为高层建筑安全管理需要落实各部门的责任制度, 做好预防与监督工作,并不断提高处理事故的能力以减少损失。


Abstract The development of high building with the continuous growth of the population of the city is a trend which cannot be halted。With the high-rise building construction, high level, high engineering quantity, complex process and long duration, there are many  risks in the construction process, which led to frequent construction accidents。In order to ensure construction safety and reduce the loss of life and property safety, this paper studies the safety management of high-rise building construction by combining the two management systems of safety management and risk management。

This paper analyses the major categories of high-rise accidents, for the construction of "five big hurt" mining the risk sources, risk source evaluation and control method is proposed, and combined with the characteristics of the high-rise building construction focuses on the analysis of the dangerous work area and process of risk and the corresponding control measures were put forward, and preliminary analysis of the applying effect of building information model (BIM) in construction safety management, prospects for the future construction of information security management perspective。 Finally, combined with a project example to carry on the empirical analysis, according to the dangerous source of LEC Method for quantitative evaluation of  high-rise construction safety risk level of and take further corresponding safety control measures, the study shows that the high-rise building safety management need to implement the responsibility system of various departments, do a good job of prevention and supervision, and constantly improve the processing capacity of the accident in order to reduce the loss。

Keywords:high rise building; risk sources; high level construction damage; safety control management; building information modeling

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 研究背景及意义 1

1。1。1 研究背景 1

1。1。2 研究目的和意义 1

1。2 国内外高层施工安全研究现状 2

1。2。1 国外研究现状 2

1。2。2 国内研究现状 3

1。3 本文主要研究内容 4

1。4 论文研究方法 4

第二章 高层建筑施工管理概论 6
