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时间:2019-10-11 20:10来源:毕业论文

Shallow Discussion Expert Witness System of Civil Litigation in Our Country
    Abstract: Various fields as the development of social economy and science and technology, the increasingly rich, in view of the limitations of fully consider people learn knowledge and not to perfect the existing in various fields to understand and grasp, and civil dispute the corresponding more complicate and specialization lead to judge the inpidual's learning challenges. The traditional appraisal system because of its many disadvantages have already can't meet the needs of practical case, the specialization and complexity of the civil lawsuit, calls for a more reasonable evidence system. Anglo-American law system is applicable by hiring an expert witness to appear in court to explain the problems of the professional, the civil law is applicable to hire an appraiser, the two system after years of practice in the case to the judge bring convenience and disadvantages are also increasingly prominent. In our country for reference to practice of continental law system, this paper will combine the actual conditions of expert witness system in China for reading learning, with the introduction of the expert witness for full, from aspects of bootstrap, selected experts, management system analysis and give reasonable advice to study.
    Key words:An expert witness.;Evidence system; The surveyor; Perfect;
目    录
摘    要    1
Abstract    1
一、专家证人制度概念、背景和价值    3
(一)什么是专家证人制度    3
(二)专家证人的资格认定    3
(三)设立专家证人制度的背景与法律价值    4
二、专家证人相关制度的解读、比较与借鉴    5
(一)西方国家的专家证人制度    5
(二)我国的“鉴定人”制度    5
(三)对相关制度的评价、比较及借鉴意义    6
三、我国有关专家证人的立法现状及不足    7
(一)《证据规定》确立的类似专家证人制度    7
(二)我国专家证人制度的缺失    7
四、 关于我国专家证人制度的完善建议    8
(一) 专家证人法律地位的完善    8
(二) 专家证人制度启动    8
(三) 专家证人权利及义务的规定    9
(四) 专家证人出庭作证及其陈述效力的认定    9
参考文献    10
致谢    11
 社会的高速发展带来了法律相关方面的急切需求,鉴于法系差异,英美法系倾向于专门知识研究的学者的证人证言,大陆法系则采用并不严格的鉴定人的鉴定意见,两相比较后者具有更大的局限性,多年的实践结果表明,这两种方式在给法官审理案件带来便利的同时弊端也十分明显。故而,我国学者们对这种现状所带来的弊端进行分析研究想在此基础上改善与更好的加以应用,使之造福于社会。 浅议我国民事诉讼中的专家证人制度:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_40532.html