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时间:2019-11-27 21:13来源:优尔论文


毕业论文关键词: 营销策略;营销方式;一汽大众奥迪

Application analysis of marketing Strategies in automotive industry   --Faw-Volkswagen Audi as an example

Abstract: Automobile industry is in the ascendant, great market potential, which makes industry competition intensifies, in order to have the initiative, gain greater market share, enterprises have to on the vehicle performance, appearance, quality, and marketing strategy competition. Facing the crisis of the competitive environment, enterprises have to find a breakthrough, the remarkable skill in marketing planning, racking their brains to all kinds of marketing. A variety of marketing methods let consumers to see flowers eye, but also allow enterprises unable to start. The marketing of the automobile industry is still in the exploratory stage, there are still a lot of problems. Domestic auto market environment analysis, a detailed description of motivation and the essence of the marketing, and implemented in FAW Volkswagen Audi Marketing planning as an example, the analysis of the experience and defects, to better guide the domestic independent brand automobile marketing practice.

Key Words: Marketing strategy; Marketing mode; Faw-Volkswagen Audi

目    录

摘  要: 1

Abstract: 1

一.营销策略相关理论概述 2

(一)营销策略的概述 2

(二)实施营销策略的意义 3

二、我国汽车行业的发展现状 3

(一)我国汽车行业的发展历程 4

    (二)我国汽车行业发展现状 5

三、一汽大众奥迪的营销策略分析 6

(一)一汽大众奥迪的发展 6

(二)一汽-大众奥迪营销策略 6

四、对我国汽车行业进行营销策划的启示 9

(一)培养企业核心竞争力 9

(二)选择合理的营销战略 10

(三)加强资源整合 10

参考文献 12

致谢 13 


经济在迅速发展的同时,人们生活水平也在不断提高,对汽车的需求也随之上涨。汽车行业在应对市场竞争的同时,也在寻求营销策略上的突破。新的市场发展,需要的是新鲜的血液,新的营销方式,新的营销策略。营销策略是企业充满生机与活力的保证。企业为了抢夺资源,拥有主动权,不仅在汽车性能、外观上下足功夫,还将领域伸向汽车的营销策略。企业要想在竞争市场上占有主动权,必须在营销策略上进行创新。但是由于竞争环境的复杂性,营销环境也在悄然发生变化,花样繁多的营销手段,不仅让消费者乱了脚步,也让企业迷失其中。基于此,本文在对我国汽车行业发展现状以及出现的问题方面进行分析,给出相应的应对措施。本文将选择奥迪汽车在中国的营销策略的实践,探索我国自主品牌如何在当今环境下生存并发展,如何开展营销策略,总结经验与教训,为国内汽车的发展提供参考。 营销策略在汽车行业中的应用分析:http://www.youerw.com/fanwen/lunwen_42472.html
