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时间:2018-08-17 14:53来源:优尔论文

Title      study on the incentive mechanism of human resource management  of Xuzhou city local taxation bureau                                         
To local governments, local taxation is crucial for maintaining local social harmony and promoting the economic development. And the local taxation bureau’s efficiency, even it’s success, depend on the level of human resource management of that bureaus. After long time endeavoring, local taxation bureaus have made some achievements, though the routinism, low-efficiency and lacking of disciplines should not be ignored. Basically, many problems roots in the incentive mechanism of human resource management. So, this paper bases on the situation of Local Taxation Bureau of Xuzhou city, discussing the incentive mechanism of that bureau and then focuses on some critical problems of it. Lastly, this paper puts forward some solutions to these problems in order to improve the working level of Xuzhou Local Taxation Bureau and promote the local economic development.
KEY WORDS:, incentive mechanism, government management, local taxation bureau
目   次
1.引言    1
1.1 选题背景及研究意义    1
1.1.1选题背景    1
1.1.2研究意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.2.1国外研究现状    1
1.2.2国内研究现状    3
1.3论文研究思路和研究方法    4
1.3.1论文研究思路    4
1.3.2课题研究的方法    4
2.理论基础与概念界定    5
2.1 相关的概念界定    5
2.1.1 激励的一般概念    5
2.1.2 公务员激励机制的涵义    5
2.2 相关的理论基础    6
2.2.1 需要层次理论    7
2.2.2 奥德弗需要理论分析    7
2.2.3 赫茨伯格的双因素理论    8
2.2.4 麦克利兰的三种需要理论    8
3.徐州市地方税务局激励机制存在的问题及原因分析    9
3.1 徐州市地方税务局简介    9
3.1.1 徐州市地税局基本情况    9
3.1.2 徐州市地税系统激励的主要方式    9
3.2 徐州市地方税务局激励机制存在的问题    10
3.2.1 考核的内容与激励脱钩    10
3.2.2 职务晋升激励设置不合理    11
3.2.3 考核流于形式    11
3.3 徐州市地方税务局激励机制存在问题的原因分析    12
3.3.1 对政府绩效激励理念的认识存在误区    12 行政单位人力资源管理中的激励机制研究:http://www.youerw.com/fanwen/lunwen_21563.html