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时间:2017-06-23 23:07来源:毕业论文

关键词  羟基磷灰石 牙膏的制备  牙膏的性能  防渍 除渍
Title    The dispersion technology of the polymer based on natural biological template.
Hydroxyapatite has excellent biocompatibility and tissue bioactivity and is hydroxyapatite bioceramic materials. This paper summarizes the study situation and the various preparation methods of hydroxyapatite bioceramic materials. The keys are enhancement and preparation and development prospect of the composite bioceramic materials.Na3PO4 was precipitated in Ca(OH)2 solution under with the aid of ultrasonic wave to obtain hydroxyapatite. The resultion dropping material was characterized by FTIR.The toothpaste which include Zriconium component was made and estimated its basic properties. It is demonstrated that this toothpaste has already reached the standard. Respectively.Powdered hydroxyapatite, black tea and tobacco were served as the extrinsic chromogens.Pre-treatments with the dentifrices’supernate reduced the chromogen adsorption to powdered hydroxyapatite,while post—treatments of pre-stained powder resulted in desorption of the chromogens.The effect of the stain prevention and removal was evaluated by comparing the degree of powder’s decoloration.    
Keywords  Hydroxyapatite ; dentifrice;tooth stain;stain removal.
目 次
1  引言    1
1.1  羟基磷灰石生物材料    1
1.2  羟基磷灰石的制备及发展前景    2
1.3  牙膏的性能与组成    4
1.4  牙膏的制备工艺    7
1.5  牙膏的美白功效评价    11
2  实验方法    13
2.1  羟基磷灰石的制备    13
2.1.1  实验试剂    13
2.2 含锆牙膏的制备    14
2.2.1  实验原料    14
2.2.2  实验流程    15
3  实验结果与讨论    16
3.1 羟基磷灰石制备实验结果分析    16
3.2  牙膏制备实验结果    18
结  论    33
致  谢    34
参 考 文 献    35
1  引言
 随着经济的飞速发展以及生活水平的日益提高,口腔健康如今也得到了人们前所未有的关注。而用于清洁牙齿、保护口腔卫生的日常生活必需品——牙膏,更是面临着消费者多元化的需求。一款好的牙膏应满足以下要求:(1)能够去除牙齿表面薄膜和菌斑而不损伤牙釉质和牙本质;(2)具有良好的口腔清洁及周围的作用;(3)无毒性,对口腔黏膜无刺激;(4)有舒适的香和口,使用后有凉爽清新的感觉;(5)易于使用,挤出时成均匀、光亮、柔软的条状物;(6)易于从口腔中和牙齿、牙刷上清洗。由此可见,牙膏的品种已然从单一的清洁型牙膏,发展成为品种齐全、功能多样的多功能型牙膏,从而满足不同层级、不同消费水平的需求。出于美观的目的,很多人希望拥有一口洁白的牙齿。因此,具有美白效果的牙膏往往会得到消费者的青睐。所以对于牙膏美白功效的研究和表征对于牙膏生产来讲,就有着重要的意义。 羟基磷灰石的制备及其在牙膏中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_9854.html