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时间:2017-04-15 20:44来源:毕业论文

关键词  频感应  包铝粉末涂层  温度  保护剂  耐磨性
Title  Study on process of the wear–resistance coating by induction cladding
Nickel-base alloy coating was prepared in low-carbon steel surface by high frequency induction cladding in the subject. Experiments were performed at different temperatures and with different protective agents. The hardness and wear resistance of high frequency induction coating and the matrix were compared. The results show that: nickel-base wear-resistance coating can be got successfully with high frequency induction cladding when the welding temperature between 1100° C and 1150 ° C and the 2# protective agent’s active temperature range is between the 800 ° C and 1150 ° C. The microstructure of coating is uniformly and no obvious defects in the coating surface. The coating and the matrix is a good metallurgical bonding, The hardness of coating is more than two times of the matrix and
the wear resistance of coating is more than six times of the low-carbon steel .
Key words   high frequency induction   Nickel-base alloy coating temperature   protective agents   wear  resistance
目 次

1  引言    1
1.1  研究意义    1
1.2  研究现状    1
1.3  本课题的任务    3
2  试验设备及试验材料    4
2.1  高频感应焊机    4
2.2   熔敷粉剂    5
2.3   熔敷保护剂    5
3  高频表面感应熔敷试验    6
3.1  熔敷前准备    6
3.2  感应熔敷试验    6
3.2.1 1-5#试样表面感应熔敷过程举例    8
4  金相试验    10
4.1   制样    10
4.2   金相分析    10
5  硬度试验    16
5.1  文氏硬度试验    16
5.1.1  1-1﹟试样感应熔敷后的硬度试验    16
5.1.2  1-3﹟试样感应熔敷后的硬度试验    16
5.1.3  1-5﹟试样感应熔敷后的硬度试验    17
5.2   磨损试验    18
5.2.1 试验设备    18
5.2.2试验结果及说明讨论    18
6分析与讨论    20
6.1保护剂活性温度的影响    20
6.2感应加热温度对熔敷效果的影响    20
结  论    22
致  谢    23
参考文献    24
1  引言
1.1  研究意义
零部件的破坏和失效一般都发生在其表面或从表面开始,如腐蚀、磨损、氧化、疲劳等。据不完全统计,全世界各类机械零部件每年因摩擦磨损造成的经济损失高达数千万美元。由于摩擦磨损发生在材料表面,因此,采用表面技术,在基体材料表面设计制备出所需的耐磨层是一种简单、经济、有效地方法[4]。 表面感应熔敷焊耐磨层工艺试验研究:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_5165.html