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时间:2022-12-21 23:05来源:毕业论文

摘要BaTiO3陶瓷作为钙钛矿类化合物的代表,具有介电常数高,介电损耗低和很好的绝缘、耐压、铁电及压电性能,在制造高介电多层电容器(MLCC) ,传感器,PTC元件等方面广泛应用,是“电子工业的支柱”。流延成型(Tape-casting) 是一种制备大面积、(超薄) 陶瓷基片的专用方法,具有速度快,生产效率高,工艺稳定,组织结构均匀,产品质量好的优势。流延工艺的应用给电子设备和电子元器件的微型化和集成化提供了广阔的前景,成为生产MLCC和多层陶瓷基片的主要方法。本实验使用溶胶-凝胶法(Sol-gel method) 制备出纳米级BaTiO3粉体,采用流延成型法制备出BaTiO3陶瓷,研究了不同烧结温度和保温时间对陶瓷形貌、结构的影响,通过调节不同固含量来测试陶瓷烧结前后尺寸、结构、性能的变化规律。实验发现当烧结温度在1350℃,保温时间为3小时,固含量为39wt。%的BaTiO3收缩比达到最大为25。61%,致密度也达到最大为4。42g/cm3,此时的BaTiO3陶瓷完全烧结成瓷,晶粒分布均匀,气孔最少,结构致密,表面平整。86710


Abstract BaTiO3 ceramics have high dielectric constant, low dielectric loss and good insulation, pressure, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties。 It is the representative of perovskite compounds, widely used in the manufacture of high dielectric multilayer capacitors (MLCC) , sensors, PTC components, etc。, is the pillar of the electronic industry。 It is the pillar of the electronics industry"。 Casting (Tape-casting)  is a kind of preparation of large area (SLIM) is an important method of ceramic substrate。 It has the advantages of continuous operation, high production efficiency, stable process and stable performance。Application of casting process to the miniaturization of electronic devices and components and integrated provides broad prospects, become the MLCC production and multilayer ceramic substrate is the main method。 This paper using sol-gel preparation of nanometer powders of BaTiO3 and BaTiO3 ceramic was prepared by tape casting, were studied at different sintering temperature and holding time on the morphology of the ceramic, structure, through the adjustment of different solid content to test size before and after sintering, structure, performance variation。Experimental results have shown that when sintering temperature in 1350℃, the holding time is 3 hours, solid content for 39wt。% of BaTiO3 contraction ratio reaches a maximum 25。61%, causing the density reached maximum 4。42g/cm3。 At this time of BaTiO3 ceramics completely sintering, uniform grain distribution, minimal porosity, compact structure, smooth surface。

Key words: BaTiO3; casting; sintering temperature; holding time; solid content

目  录

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 纳米BaTiO3的制备方法及研究现状 1

1。2 流延成型工艺的应用发展 2

1。3 流延成型的关键工艺 3

1。4 课题的研究内容和研究方法 7

第二章 流延成型法制备BaTiO3陶瓷实验 8

2。1 纳米BaTiO3粉体的制备 8

2。2 流延成型法制备陶瓷工艺流程 10

2。3 实验器材及测试方法 13

第三章 固含量对流延成型法制备BaTiO3陶瓷的影响研究 18

3。1烧结温度的影响 18

3。2 保温时间的影响 固含量对流延成型法制备BaTiO3陶瓷的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_112970.html
